Chapter 1: Marcy's First Journal Entry

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Dear Journal (or I guess whoever ends up reading this),

Hi. So... um... how exactly does one start something like this? I guess I'll just start by introducing myself. My name is Marcy Wu and a lot just happened to me. I need to just write down and organize my thoughts, so once I found this notebook in the castle, I figured I'd write everything down.

I'm dead. I know I am. I know this is escalating really quickly, but it has to be said. It... hurt... but the physical pain wasn't even what bothered me the most... It was King Andrias. Someone who I really cared about... and I would honestly even go as far as saying loved... well...

He killed me.

I just thought maybe... you know... he cared about me too...? I mean... every time we played flipwart or studied together or every time he gave me one of those scavenger hunts... I guess it was all just one big lie.... The thing is... I'm not even mad at him... I'm just... hurt.

Anyway... I know I'm dead because after that happened, the next thing I know, I'm suddenly floating in the air above seemingly myself lying there on the ground..., no one said anything about me just floating there..., and... Sasha's reaction...

Once she realized what had happened... the look on her face... the sound of her screaming my name... I... She just always seems so strong... and sometimes even rude to me and Anne... It's just... seeing her like that... seeing how much it truly hurt her and how vulnerable she truly was... it... was a lot...

It was even more proof for me being dead... but I just couldn't stand seeing her like that... so I left. I feel terrible for leaving her... especially with King Andrias... and now I don't know what happened to her... but I just couldn't see her like that OK!

I'm sorry...

I'm glad I didn't see Anne's reaction...

I then ran to here, which is a part of the castle where no one usually is. I know no one can see me... but... I just feel better being alone right now...

Then I found this notebook here... At first, I wasn't sure if I would even be able to hold a pencil, much less write anything, but I tried and as you can see, I was able to. I just hope no one sees me whenever I'm writing... I don't want to scare anyone. I mean, I'd be scared if I saw a floating notebook and pencil.

I'm also not entirely sure why I'm still here... What I mean is why I'm not in the afterlife... I guess it's because I'm in a different dimension... I don't know...

Oh... and I feel terrible for what I did to Anne and Sasha with the music box and everything... I tried to make it up to them and I said I was sorry... but I just feel it isn't nearly enough... and I just wish I could come back to life for just a moment so I could fully make it up to them! And I just hope somehow, they can forgive me...

That's basically all I wanted to say, and I guess I do feel a bit better now...

I don't know if I can even sleep with the way I am right now... but I'm going to try. I just feel so confused and scared... I'll see if it makes me feel any better...



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