Chapter 7: Mending Stomped Hearts

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"This is definitely one of the strangest things that has ever happened to me," Sasha exclaimed as her and Marcy walked into Sasha's room.

"Says the one who isn't dead," Marcy wrote on her notebook and showed to Sasha.

Sasha chuckled.

"So, do you need blankets or something?" Sasha asked awkwardly.

"I don't even know if I'll sleep tonight. I want to take some time to think about everything. I don't have to sleep after all," Marcy wrote.

Sasha nodded as she sat down on her bed.

Marcy suddenly started writing something else.

"Hey... I'm really sorry about everything with the music box and sending us all to Amphibia..."

Sasha looked at the notebook and then looked away. "Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about that..."

Marcy flew over and sat down beside Sasha.

They sat in silence for a bit before Sasha finally said, "I'm sorry too."

"For what?"

"For being 'a horrible person'..." Sasha responded, quoting Anne. "I manipulate, betray, and only think of myself."

"I mean. I've done that too..." Marcy wrote.

"UGH!" Sasha shouted. "Why is it so hard to just be a good, supportive friend! I think I want to be! But maybe I don't! I don't know anything anymore!"

Marcy sighed.

"Look, I don't either... I've made a really bad and selfish mistake... I wish I could just go back in time and change everything! ...But I can't. And now I have no idea what step I should take next!" Marcy wrote. She at first was just trying to calm Sasha down, but as she continued to write, she started speaking more and more from her heart and tears started pouring from her eyes.

After Sasha read what she had wrote, Marcy waited a moment before writing something else down.

"Anne doesn't deserve either of us, does she?"

Marcy used to not know if it was possible to see someone else's heart break just from looking at their face expression, but she learned that the answer was yes once Sasha read that sentence.

"No," Sasha agreed, looking away, her own tears staring to form.

Sasha then thought for a moment, "Well, I forgive you." She took a deep breath, "The whole reason you did what you did was just because you cared about me and Anne so much, you didn't want to be separated from us... You just made a big mistake because you didn't know what else to do. I do what I do just so I get everything I want because I only care about myself."

"...You're not right now," Marcy suddenly wrote. "You're apologizing and forgiving. Two things that are really hard for someone who only cares about themselves to do. You really are a good person; you just have some pretty big flaws you need to work on." She paused for a moment before adding, "I forgive you too."

"Do you really mean that?" Sasha asked.

Marcy wrote, "If you can forgive me for what I've done, I can forgive you for what you have."

Sasha stared at Marcy in unbelief and then responded, "Thank you," as she started to tear up even more. "Now let's just hope Anne can forgive us too."

"Thank you," Marcy wrote. "And yeah, I really hope she can too..."

Sasha rubbed her eyes with her hands.

"And don't you dare tell anyone about how much I've cried today! It's been a strange day for me!" She threatened Marcy jokingly, but Marcy knew Sasha was serious and promised to keep her libs sealed, afraid of what would happen if she didn't. 

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