Chapter 14: Welcome Back

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"OK," Maddie told everyone, "this should work," she exclaimed, finishing mixing the potion.

"'Should!?'" Marcy wrote.

"You were there when we brought the flea back to life and it worked then," Maddie responded, "...mostly..."

"You'll be ok. Maddie knows what she's doing," Sasha added.

"Ok," Marcy wrote, taking a deep breath.

Marcy, Sasha, Grime, Tarantula, and Maddie were all in the forest just like Maddie and Marcy had been when they were bringing the flea back to life, except, of course, it was Marcy this time.

Marcy's body lay on a stump and near it were two other stumps with a cauldron in the middle. Maddie stood on one of them while her spell book, which she had tried to clean up the best she could after her sisters had messed with it, and supplies were on the other.

Maddie grabbed a bottle and filled it up with the potion from the cauldron. "Here it goes."

Everyone watched anxiously as she walked over to Marcy's body and poured the potion over it.

Marcy suddenly felt herself getting pulled towards her body. She got closer and closer to it until-

Marcy sat up on the stump.

Everyone stared at her.

"This suit is really uncomfortable!" She exclaimed, awkwardly smiling and commenting on the strange grey suit her body had been in ever since it was in the tube.

"MARCY!" Sasha yelled.

She ran over to her and gave her a tight hug.

Marcy returned it.

She suddenly heard crying sounds.

"Sasha. You better stop. You don't want to ruin your reputation, remember?" Marcy joked.

"Ugh!" Sasha responded, continuing to hug Marcy and cry.

They eventually broke from the hug, but Sasha continued to stare at Marcy for a while, just beyond happy she could finally she her again.

"Um... could I hug you too...?" Maddie awkwardly asked. She wasn't usually a hugger, but she was also just happy Marcy was back.

"Duh!" Marcy responded, giving Maddie a hug.

After they broke from the hug, Marcy looked at everyone and started to tear up. "Come on everyone, we all need a big group hug!" She exclaimed, holding out her arms.

Everyone, including Grime, who wasn't even really that close to Marcy, group hugged.

"Alright. What now?" Marcy asked.

"I guess we just have to wait here for Anne," Sasha responded as Marcy walked over to where her notebook had fallen out of her hands when she had gone back to her body and picked it up.

"You guys could probably stay with us," Maddie suggested. "You'll just have to be prepared to deal with my crazy little sisters," She added jokingly.

"That's perfect!" Marcy exclaimed. "Your dad's a baker! I can finally eat some food again!"

Maddie chuckled, "We'll have a 'Welcome back to life, Marcy!' feast for you!"

Marcy laughed. Then she stopped, "OK, but like, can we actually?"

Maddie laughed again, but then became really serious. "Hey, Marcy, I have to tell you something... and I think it would be best if I told you alone..."

So, everyone left and the two talked. 

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