Chapter 10: Distraction

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(Time for a chapter in Sasha's perspective!)

The group flew Joe up to the castle and Grime wished everyone luck as everyone but him entered it.

Tarantula, Marcy, and Sasha checked to see if King Andrias was in the secret room, which he wasn't, so Sasha left the other two there to go find him.

Sasha found him in the throne room. She took a deep breath before facing him.

"Hey, King Andrias!"

He looked shocked to see her there, but quickly changed his expression to look more intimidating.

"Ah. Sasha Waybright. What brings you back here? And all alone too. Surely you don't wish to fight," He paused and glared at her. "I've already made it clear a single young girl doesn't stand a chance against me," he said, referring to Marcy's death.

Sasha glared back at him for having the nerve to talk to about that, but then settled down.

"Well, I didn't originally plan to fight. I actually had in mind making a trade for the music box. I wasn't sure what to trade for it though. I was just going to ask you what you wanted for it, but you just gave me a better idea!"

Once the music box was mentioned, King Andrias started paying a lot more attention.

"You see, you claim a single young girl doesn't stand a chance against you, but you'd be wrong."

"What are you talking about!? Did you not see what I did to your friend!?" King Andrias responded angrily.

"I did, but that was only one of my friends. When Anne started using her powers, you got scared. If Anne was able to control them better, she could've defeated you."

Sasha was glad to see that what she was saying was really starting to get on King Andrias' nerves.

He was completely distracted.

Sasha knew that she would be lying to the King about a lot of things, but she had to. She knew that if you get to people where they are sensitive, it's easy to control their actions, but Sasha was using her knowledge of that for good now.

"Unfortunately for you, I know someone who also has those powers, but they know how to control them."

King Andrias started to look uncomfortable, "And who would that be?"

"Me," Sasha casually responded.

King Andrias' face suddenly completely changed and he looked anything from intimidating now.

"But that's impossible!" King Andrias responded, "Your gem's fully charged, you don't have any of its power inside you still!"

"Oh!" Sasha whispered. "Thanks for the extra information about how those powers work."

This was perfect, King Andrias was distracted and Sasha was also learning more about the gems and how they were connected to her and the others.

She spoke up again, "Oh! No. Me and Marcy's gems aren't fully charged either!"

"But Marcy sent me a letter, telling me about how she was getting the gems charged and making a lot of progress!" King Andrias exclaimed.

"Well... maybe, just maybe, she lied to you because she knew about the powers her gem gave her?" Sasha responded. "But anyway, I've been practicing my gem powers, unlike Anne, so I actually know what I'm doing. Here's the deal. You give me the music box, I don't start fighting you with them."

King Andrias seemed really scared and shocked now, but then it looked like he had gotten an idea and he suddenly looked strong and evil again.

"Why am I scared of this!? I have a laser sword! I was going to use it on Anne when she used her powers, why can't I just do the same here!?"

He pulled out his sword and lit it up, "How would you like to join Marcy?"

Sasha looked around fearfully and spotted Tarantula in the distance giving her a thumbs up.

"Yeah. I think I'll do just that!" Sasha exclaimed, running away from the King and joining Tarantula and Marcy as they all ran back to Joe and Grime.

Everyone got on Joe and started flying away.

King Andrias walked up to the edge of the castle as far as he could and glared at all of them as they flew away.

Sasha stuck her tongue out at him.

"Don't do that, Sasha! He's already mad enough!" Marcy scolded on a page of her notebook.

Once they were pretty far away and felt safe enough, they all took a breather.

"Mission accomplished!" Marcy wrote and showed everyone. "But what did you tell the king to make him so upset at you?" She added and showed the notebook to Sasha.

"Oh! Well, I may or may not have told him that me and you also have the gem's powers like Anne did and threatened him that if he didn't give me the music box, I would fight him with them...?" Sasha responded.

"SASHA!" Marcy wrote, "Why did you do that? Now he wants to kill you too!" She sighed and wrote more, "Why didn't you just offer him a fancy new flipwart set in exchange for the music box?"

"That wouldn't've worked!" Sasha responded. "I needed to tell him something that would truly distract him!"

"You underestimate just how much King Andrias loves flipwart," Marcy wrote.

"We'll be fine!" Sasha reassured her, "Now Let's just sit back and relax as we head to Wartwood." 

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