Chapter 20: A Barrette and a Notebook

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"What's going on, Marcy?" Sasha asked worriedly as they left the room.

Marcy continued to cry, but smiled at them.

"Anne wasn't there, but do you remember when Maddie said she had to tell me something about the revival spell?" Marcy asked.

"Um... yeah...?" Sasha responded.

"Well," Marcy started. "She told me... that... that the revival spell... is temporary."

Everyone gasped.

"WHAT!?" Anne exclaimed.

"The revival spell only allows you to bring stuff back to life for a little while... Everyone has to die and the revival spell can't stop that," Marcy explained.

Anne gulped before asking, "What... what are you saying, Marcy?"

Marcy smiled at her and cried some more, "You know what I'm saying, Anne."

Anne and Sasha stared at her and cried.

"Why didn't you tell us after you found out!?" Sasha exclaimed.

"I didn't want to ruin the little time we had left together with you guys being sad..." Marcy responded.

They waited a second before Sasha continued to talk.

"But Marcy, aren't you going to be stuck here? You won't be able to go to the afterlife because you didn't die back in our dimension!"

Marcy shook her head, "I actually don't think that's why I was stuck here. I think it was because my mission wasn't done. I had to help you guys save Amphibia first! Now that I've done that, I think I won't be stuck here anymore."

Sasha continued to cry, "that's... good."

"Um... excuse me?" Sprig suddenly asked. "I don't know if you'll see them... but if you do... can you please say hi to me and Polly's parents for us?"

Marcy cried some more and nodded, "If I see them, I definitely will."

"Oh! I have something I want to give you guys real quick!" Marcy exclaimed to Anne and Sasha.

She grabbed her notebook and handed it to them.

"It's kind of an odd thing to give you guys because it's a journal... but it'll be something I wrote you guys can look at!"

Sasha grabbed and smiled at it. Anne also looked at it.

"Oh! And... this," Marcy took her green barrette out of her hair and put in in Anne's hand.

Anne stared at it and cried.

"Thank you, Marbles," she finally said.

"Yes, thank you Mar Mar..." Sasha added.

Marcy chuckled, "Anytime, Anna Banana, Sash."

Marcy gave Sasha and Anne each an individual hug and then they all had a group hug.

They let go and they all smiled at each other until Marcy felt herself floating away.

After a while of Anne and Sasha just sitting there quietly and being there for each other, Sasha looked over to her friend and smiled.

"Come on Anne, it's time to go home."


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