Chapter 6: Nachos

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"Do you know what always makes me feel better when my life's going crazy?" Gertie asked everyone as they gathered around the table. "Food!"

She started placing purple nachos at everyone's spot.

Sasha, Tarantula, and Marcy had explained to Gertie and Grime everything that had happened the best they could and then Sasha, Grime, and Gertie had tried to get Marcy and Tarantula settled. It was now time for dinner.

Once Gertie had given everyone nachos, she sat down at her own spot.

Marcy stared at her plate of nachos awkwardly.

"Um. I don't think I can eat these," She wrote on her notebook and showed everyone.

Sasha chuckled a little, "I mean, you could try."

"What would even happen? I think I would rather not."

"So anyway," Tarantula interrupted, trying to stop the awkward conversation. "What's the plan for us staying here?"

"Well, I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but do either of you even need to sleep?" Gertie asked.

"Neither of us have to, but we still need a place for us to just stay at," Tarantula responded.

"Oh yes, of course, sorry," Gertie responded. "Well, Sasha and Grime are already occupying my two spare bedrooms, so I guess you could stay in the living room for now if that's ok," Gertie explained to Tarantula.

He nodded.

"And Marcy-"

"Can stay with me," Sasha offered. "SLEEPOVER!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Granted, it'll probably be the most awkward sleepover I've ever had in my life, but still!"

"Thank you guys all so much," Marcy wrote. "I'm glad I'm not dealing with all this alone." 

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