Chapter 3: The Robot

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Dear Journal,

OK, confession time. I'm actually really excited for today! I'm finally going to do something I love: running experiments and learning from them! Yay!

I'm going to try and figure out my ghost abilities, namely flying and walking through walls.

I'm going to run the experiments in this room still. It's the best place for me to be alone. I'm also going to write down my observations and everything here in this notebook.

Alright. First I want to try out walking through walls.

Thoughts before trying it out: I feel like it's going to be pretty easy, but it's just going to feel super weird. I mean, I don't normally just walk into walls... well, on purpose that is... I've accidently ran into walls plenty of times... BUT THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT!

Thoughts after trying it out: I was able to do it! And yeah, it does feel pretty weird but it's also so cool! I mean, I can walk through walls!

Now I want to try flying. I've hovered in the air before, but not while moving. I've always walked places. It's just been another way for me to feel normal.

Flying or floating to places might be faster though, so I'm going to try it out. It might also be fun! Who knows!?

Experiment 1: Floating in place

Thoughts before trying it out: Like I said, I've done this before, but I'm going to try again and make sure I can still do it good.

Thoughts after trying it out: I still can! It's super weird not having my feet on the ground but I feel like I'm becoming one with the air! Which isn't necessary a bad thing.

OK. Time to raise the stakes a bit!

Experiment 2: Floating to places

Thoughts before trying it out: I haven't done this yet, but I'm not really that scared to. It's not nearly as intense as flying will be and it'll probably be pretty fun. I'm actually really excited!

Thoughts after trying it out: OK, so it is actually really fun! It feels weird and kind of scary but I like it and it is faster than walking.

Experiment 3: Flying (Dun dun dun)

Thoughts before trying it out: OK, this is it. This will be significantly scarier than the other two, but it will be very helpful for me if I can figure out how to do it well. I might even be able to fly down to the dungeons and see if Sasha is there.

Marcy set her pencil down on top of the notebook and stood up, preparing to try flying out. (Yep. This isn't Marcy's journal entry anymore. This story is going to be like this every once in a while. Sometimes it will be Mary's journal entries and sometimes it will be like this. Hopefully it doesn't get too confusing XD).

She first started hovering in the air, then started moving, slowly getting faster and higher as she did.

Just as she was starting to fly and she was about to yell in victory, she felt robotic arms grab her and pull her to the ground.

She looked around in fear and saw that one of the black robots was the one pulling her.

She was scared and confused. Had the robot seen her!? How!? Was he going to bring her to King Andrias!? If so, what would King Andrias even do to her!? He had already killed her!

"Human!" The robot exclaimed to her as he brought her all the way to the ground.

"Uh... yes?" Marcy responded cautiously.

"They know you're here!"

Marcy figured he was talking about King Andrias and someone else... the eye monster maybe!? But how did they know?

Marcy then remembered when she had discovered the secret room and how the eye monster had stared at her.

And now they've sent one of their robots to take her to them!

Well, you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.

"You need to get out of here!" the robot suddenly said to Marcy.

Marcy stared at him confused. "Wait. Huh?"

"You need to get out of the castle. They aren't happy you're here!"

"You're helping me? But wait. Aren't you supposed to be evil or something?" Marcy asked.

"There's no time to explain. You need to leave!"

"No, it's ok. It'll take them a while to find me. King Andrias can't even see – wait. How can you see me?" Marcy suddenly asked.

"We robots are designed to do anything we are told to do, so we have powerful eyes that allow us to see everything, including ghosts."

Marcy tried to hide her excitement but it didn't really work, "Oh my gosh! That's so cool! I would love to study that!" She then took a deep breath, "Sorry. We'll do that later. Can King Andrias or the eye monster see me?"

"The eye monster can. He's extremely powerful. King Andrias can't, but with the other robots and the eye monster on his side, you still don't want to mess with him."

Marcy nodded slowly, knowing from personal experience that even if King Andrias didn't have them on his side and it was just him, he's someone you still wouldn't want to mess with.

"He killed you, didn't he?" the robot suddenly asked, seeing Marcy's reaction.

"Oh!" Marcy responded, taken aback. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, he did."

"I didn't see him kill you, but I did see him kill one of the other robots... I think you guys called him Frobo?" the robot asked.

"Oh... yeah." Marcy responded.

"King Andrias is doing terrible things... In a way, Frobo was my brother... I don't want to be doing those things alongside him and the other robots..."

"Is it even possible for a robot who was designed for evil to become good? I mean, I know Frobo was, but he was only around us, while you've been around King Andrias and everything. I just... want to make sure I can trust you..." Marcy asked.

"We aren't designed to be good or evil. We are designed to follow the orders of who we think is doing what's right. We thought King Andrias was, so we followed his orders, which unfortunately includes me. I was just doing what I thought was right. Once I saw what he did to Frobo though... I realized he wasn't the right person for me to follow orders from. A lot of the others still believe what King Andrias is doing is the right thing to do, so they are still following his orders."

"I used to think what he was doing was right too..." Marcy responded. "I thought we were friends, but we both know how that turned out." She hesitated, "And I also know how it feels to think that you are doing the right thing, when you're really not... You see, my family wanted me to move away from my friends... so I got us all stranded in Amphibia. And then I trusted King Andrias when he told me that if I gave him the music box, he would take us all on adventures with him so we could always be together... It was all so stupid of me... but at the time I just thought it was the right thing to do..."

The robot seemed to appreciate that she knew what he was going through. But then he suddenly became serious again, "I appreciate our therapy session, but you need to leave now. Before anyone finds you."

Marcy nodded, but then got an idea. "Come with me! You don't deserve to be surrounded by all this. You can help me fight for good!"

"I don't know... I don't even think you should trust me with you, you have no reason to." The robot responded.

"I do trust you. I know what it feels like to be hurting and I know you truly are. Come on, we can help each other." Marcy responded, smiling.

"OK," the robot responded.

"Alright!" Marcy exclaimed, "So what's the plan to get out of here?"

"Oh yeah..." the robot responded, "We have to fly down." 

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