Chapter 12: Meet Us In Wartwood, Ok?

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(Now it's time for a chapter in Anne's perspective! I know this story is all over the place, sorry! XD)

It didn't take Anne long to realize she was dreaming. She was back in Amphibia. That's where she had been having all her dreams lately, so once she saw that she was back, she knew immediately she was in a dream.

Now Anne just had to wait and see if this dream would be a dream or a nightmare. She had been having both. Some were of her and Sasha becoming friends again, while some were about her betrayal or manipulation. Some were ones where Marcy was back, while some were ones about her betrayal or death.

Anne walked around. She was in the streets of Newtopia in this dream, so Anne assumed it would probably be a Marcy dream this time.

And that's when she saw her.

Marcy was running towards her. She stopped once she got to her and looked at her in disbelief. Even though she was shocked, Anne could tell it was a happy kind of shocked.

"Yes! Anne! It's you! It worked!" She exclaimed. "And I can talk to you without having to use my notebook! And I'm not invisible!"

"What worked? What do you mean you can talk without your notebook? And of course you're not invisible?" Anne questioned.

Anne didn't know why she was talking to her. She was just a part of her imagination.

But this wasn't how her dream usually went.

"Nevermind," Marcy responded. She then looked at Anne seriously. "You have to come back to Amphibia. We need you!"

Anne looked at her confused. This dream was so much stranger than the other ones she had been having. Dreams were supposed to have only things you've seen or known about in them, but Anne didn't know about anything Marcy was talking about, about a notebook and Anne being able to see her? Not only that, but Marcy just seemed so much more real in this dream than her other ones. This Marcy had her own knowledge and emotions... It was as if this Marcy... wasn't actually from Anne's mind. Like she was an actual other being.

The thought came to her mind that this might actually be Marcy, but she pushed it away. She just wanted it to be the real Marcy, so that's why she was talking to her and why things seemed off.

"Marcy," Anne said defeated. "If only you were actually here..." She squeaked, crying. "I've been seeing you all the time, but I know it's not actually you," Anne chuckled.

Marcy waited a minute before hugging her.

Even though Anne knew she wasn't real, she hugged her back. She wanted to at least pretend she was real and that she was actually hugging her again. If this was the best she would get, then she would make the best of it.

Marcy broke from the hug and sighed, "I know you probably don't believe me... But I am Marcy. The real one. And even if you don't one hundred percent believe that, you need to trust me and try your best to come back to Amphibia. If you manage to get back here, I'll explain everything to you... and if all goes according to plan, I'll be alive again and we can actually see each other again. Please."

Anne didn't know how to respond to that. It seemed like it was too good to be true and this was definitely something Anne would tell herself in a dream.

But maybe it was Marcy. Maybe that was why this dream was so different from the others. She wanted to take the chance just in case this was actually Marcy and she could actually see her again, but...

"I don't know!" Anne exclaimed, crying.

Marcy nodded, "I know. But if you decide to come back to Amphibia, meet us in Wartwood, ok?"

Anne sighed, "Ok."

"I can't wait to see you again, Anne!" Marcy told her.

And then Anne woke up. She checked her clock. It was early in the morning, but she got out of bed anyways, she needed to find a way to get to Amphibia as soon as possible.

She wasn't sure what she was doing. All she knew was that she was trusting her heart and trusting Marcy. 

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