Chapter 8: Sasha's Idea

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Dear Journal,

Sasha's finally asleep. She kept on insisting we stay up longer! Look, I get it's a sleepover, Sash, but if we're going to do what you want us to do tomorrow, you need sleep! You're still alive and need it to function!

But now that she's asleep, I finally have some alone time to write in here again.

Like you probably assumed because I was talking about Sasha, she and Grime were at Gertie's! They're hiding out here now that they have escaped from the king. Gertie knows about how they tried to take over the throne, but luckily for them, she's quick to forgive, especially after she saw what King Andrias was doing compared to what they were.

Me and Tarantula are also hiding out with them for the time being. They can't see me, but they can see my notebook, so I've been writing down what I want to say in it and communicating with everyone that way. ...That's why there are some pages in here that only have random sentences on them...

But speaking of forgiveness, the impossible happened. Sasha forgave me for what I did. And I've forgiven her. I know Sasha apologized at the third temple and it ended up not actually being sincere and I know that I need to not trust people so easily like I did with King Andrias, but I know what it's like to make a mistake and to want more than anything to be forgiven. Sometimes, people just need more than a second chance...

Anyway, I said earlier that Sasha wants to do something tomorrow. Me and her got talking and I ended up telling her about how I saw my body in a tube in the castle with King Andrias and the eye monster. As she asked more questions, I eventually also ended up telling her about Maddie's revival spell and you can probably see where I'm going with this.

Sasha wants us to get my body back and bring it to Wartwood for Maddie to bring me back to life.

It's an extremely risky and crazy idea, but leave it up to Sasha to get an idea that's like that.

She says if we can bring me back to life and bring Anne back to Amphibia somehow, we could all defeat King Andrias together. I know deep down, Sasha just wants to be able to see me again and become friends with Anne again, but I mean, I don't blame her. If Sasha had died and I wasn't able to see her, I would want her to come back to life so I could too and I also want to apologize to Anne and for us to be on good terms again.

Plus, Sasha actually does have a point about us three being able to defeat King Andrias if we all come back together like that.

It's a crazy idea, but I think maybe kind of a good one.

And Sasha won't exactly take no for an answer. And no, she's not trying to manipulate me again! She's trying her best to change her ways; it'll just take her some time.

If we do end up trying to do it though, we're in for a really dangerous adventure.



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