Chapter 2: The Castle

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Dear journal,

It's the next day. I was able to sleep last night. I don't think I need to... but I do feel a bit more refreshed... and... I want to sleep at night still because it helps me feel at least a bit normal still...

But anyway, because I feel a bit better today, I was thinking I have to explore the castle. As much as I'm scared to... I need to see where King Andrias is (I... I added the "king" at the beginning because I... don't think we're on a first name basis anymore...) and I need to see if I can find Sasha... or... um... my body...

The good news is though, like I said, no one can see me... so I don't need to worry about King Andrias seeing me... that would be real awkward...

I guess... I'll explore a bit and update you.

OK. I'm back and I have a lot a need to talk to you about.

Alright, so first, the castle is a lot different than I'm used to seeing it. I kind of already figured this... but apparently Sasha wasn't able to stop King Andrias and he's still in control. There are those robots everywhere. I know they can't see me, but I still tried to avoid them...I don't really like them... And of course, there are also newt guards everywhere, but that's not really too new, there might be a bit more than normal though. Also, everything just feels darker and more dangerous here now... and it's not just because the castle is still in the sky.

I really don't like it. The castle used to feel sort of... like a home away from home... but now... I just don't feel safe here anymore...

Anyway, I also couldn't find Sasha anywhere. If King Andrias captured her, at best she might be in the dungeons. I could go check there, but because they were located beneath the castle, I think they are still on the ground. I know I can probably fly now... but I just really don't want to try yet... and Joe probably can't see me anymore, and if he can I probably won't be able to fly him! Poor Joe... he's probably really worried about me...

At worst... King Andrias might've killed her... I would use to think he would never do anything like that, but based on... recent events... he defiantly could've. Oh... and if Sasha's dead too and Anne finds out... oh... oh Sasha, please still be alive. Anne won't be able to deal with both of us being gone... I think I would see her if she had died though, so that gives me hope that she didn't.

And then, of course, there's that small chance Sasha was able to get away... I really hope she was...

And concerning my body... well... I came across this hidden room. I didn't stay there for too long though because I saw King Andrias and this strange creature with a bunch of eyes in there. The thing is, once I stepped in the room, the creature looked like it was... staring right at me... like it could see me. King Andrias seemed to know the creature too... which scares me. But I did find my body in there... in a tube... They're doing something with it, and I feel like I need to do something to stop it... but I have no idea what I could possibly do.

Maybe I should try and figure out my new ghost abilities... that might help with something. I think I'm going to do that tomorrow... Talk to you then.



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