Chapter 4: Where's Sasha?

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Dear Journal,

Sorry I didn't finish my journal entry this morning. Here's the reason why:

One of the robots found me while I was practicing flying. At first, I thought King Andrias or the eye monster had found me, which yes, that did happen, but that's not why the robot was talking to me. He was actually warning me about how King Andrias and the eye monster knew about me and he wanted me to escape so I would be safe.

I wanted him to come with me because I learned that he is a genuinely good guy and doesn't deserve to be surrounded by the other robots and everything. He eventually agreed and we escaped.

We had to escape by flying out of the castle and back to the ground. I know I've flown on Joe and a bit in the castle, but it was still one of the most terrifying things I have ever done. It was different than those other times I've flown.

But it was amazing. Not only because the view was incredible (which it always is whenever I've flown on Joe, so it wasn't entirely new for me) and fun, but it was because I faced my fear that it was just so incredible!

I also just feel so much freer when I'm flying myself instead of on Joe. I still care about him, don't get me wrong, but I think I prefer flying myself. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced before and I love it.

Now that we're safe enough for a while, the eye monster and King Andrias thinking I'm still in the castle, our plan is to find Sasha.

We've already checked the dungeons, that was the first thing we did once out of the castle. Because the robot looks like the other bad ones, it was easy for us to get past any newt guards or robots. I'm invisible to the newt guards, so we didn't have to worry about them seeing me, but we did have to worry about the robots seeing me, so the robot tried his best to hide me from them.

Sasha wasn't there, but we did find two other people in there who knew where she could be. One was an older orangish-yellow newt named Doris and the other was a younger reddish-pink axolotl named Efty (This is the author speaking, not Marcy XD: Efty's the little girl with the cat that Anne saved. I had to look up her name). I knew who they were because Anne had become friends with them when her and the Planters arrived in Newtopia, but it was only then when I officially learned their names.

We had to be careful no one saw us talking to them, but we explained to them our situation and they explained to us how them and another axolotl, Gertie, who I'm pretty sure was the purple one Anne is also friends with, saw Anne enter the castle when we were going to give King Andrias the music box and tried to save her once all the chaos started happening.

They of course didn't end up finding Anne, because she had gone back home, but they did find Sasha after I had died and left the room. They were ready to help her as soon as they found out she was a friend of Anne's. Unfortunately, only Sasha, Grime, and Gertie were able to get away.

They told us where Gertie lives and told us Sasha is probably hiding out there. We promised we would rescue them as soon as we could and left the dungeons.

Me and the robot are now spending the night near the library. There are robots and newt guards everywhere around the city, but just like we did in the dungeons, the robot is trying his best to hide me. Tomorrow, we are going to Gertie's to see if Sasha is there.

I'm really glad I have the robot with me. I'm going through a lot right now and I'm glad he's by my side. We've actually been talking for a bit and getting to know each other better. While talking, he told me he doesn't have a name, so we decided to name him Tarantula.

I really hope we can find Sasha tomorrow; I can feel we're so close to!



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