Chapter 11: A Spell

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(Time for a Gravity Falls crossover chapter!)

They hadn't been flying for too long when it started to get dark.

"Are we planning on flying through the night? Or should we try and find a place to stay?" Marcy wrote.

"Oh, good point," Sasha responded. "I hadn't really thought about what we would do at night."

"Hey!" Grime suddenly exclaimed. "I think I see a town in the distance. Should we stop there for the night?"

"Might as well," Sasha responded.

They landed and started looking around.

The entrance to the town said that it was called Stony Gulch and under was a poster saying, "Travelers welcome!"

"Come on, Bufo! We need to go back! It's getting late!"

As they walked into the town, they noticed two young, dark brown frogs. The boy wore gray shorts, a reddish-orange shirt with a dark blue vest on top, and a blue and white hat with an image of a pond on the front. He was holding a dark red journal and was investigating the ground. The female wore a pink headband, a pink sweater with a star fish with purple, green, and orange stripes shooting out of it on it, and a purple skirt. She was trying to get the other to come with her.

Sasha walked up to them, "Um, hey. We're not from here and we were just wondering if there's a hotel or something?"

The girl gasped at seeing her. "Oh my gosh! What is that thing!?" She asked the other one. "Are they in the journal?"

The boy looked up and noticed Sasha too. He then began to quickly turn pages in his journal. "I don't know! I don't think they're in the journal!"

Sasha groaned as the others walked up behind her.

This caused the two frogs to be even more excited and anxious.

"Wow! Is that a robot?"

"Oh my goodness! Why is that notebook floating in midair!? Is there a ghost!? Don't worry, the journal talks about ghosts, let me get to that page!"

"Does the journal talk about robots too, bro bro?"

"Alright then. Let's just go ask someone else for directions," Sasha told everyone quietly.

"Wait," Marcy wrote, getting an idea. "I'm curious about that journal. It seems to have information about odd things like ghosts."

"OK, so?" Sasha responded.

"It might have some way to contact Anne in there."

"You think so?" Sasha asked.

"Maybe. I mean, we should at least try."

"OK. But someone needs to get them to calm down first."

"I'll explain to them what's going on. They shouldn't be surprised to see a toad," Grime suggested.

"OK, but don't be too blunt," Marcy wrote.

Grime nodded. "OK kids. That's a human, yes that's a robot, and yes that's a ghost."

It didn't help.

"A human!?"

"What's a human?"

"I don't know! They aren't in the journal!!!!"

"And there's an actual ghost!?"

"They're a nice ghost right!?"

Marcy face palmed.

"Look. I know you two aren't used to seeing this sort of stuff, but we really need your help," Sasha told the two frogs.

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