Chapter 18: Splitting Up and Looking for Clues (Scooby Doo reference XD)

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They made it to Newtopia the next afternoon. The gates were closed, so they had to fly Joe over the walls to get in. 

Once they were in, they started planning. 

"OK, let's try and wait for the toads to show up before we head into the castle or anything," Anne said. 

"We should probably spend our time waiting rounding up everyone who is willing to help us here," Marcy suggested. 

"Yeah, so what's the plan?" Anne asked. 

"Well, I'm not sure where Lady Olivia, the triplets, or General Yunan are, but we do know where Gertie is and I know that Doris and Efty are in the dungeons," Marcy responded. 

"Doris and Efty are in the dungeons!?" Anne exclaimed, angry at King Andrias for putting them there. 

Marcy nodded. 

"I think we should split up. Some of us go to the dungeons and try to get Doris and Efty out, and anyone else who might also be there now, some of us go to Gertie's and explain to her everything, some of us look around for the triplets, Lady Olivia, General Yunan, and whoever else wants to help us, and the rest of us wait by the gate for the toads to arrive," Sasha suggested. 

"I like that," Marcy responded, "Who wants to go where?" 

"I want to go to the dungeons and help Doris and Efty," Anne exclaimed. 

"And I'll go with her," Sprig added. 

"I'll come too. There's a spell in here that I think will help us break Doris and Efty out," Maddie said, holding out her spell book. 

"Ok," Marcy responded, "Me or Tarantula would go with you guys to show you where the dungeons are, but it might be too risky for either of us to go, considering how close they are to the castle. We don't want King Andrias finding out Tarantula's actually on our side and who knows what he would do if he saw me. They're right underneath the castle, but on the ground. Hopefully you can find them..." 

Anne nodded, "Got it!" 

"We'll find them," Sprig added. 

"And I think I'll go to Gertie's because she knows me," Sasha suggested. 

"She knows me too, I'll join Sasha," Grime added. 

"Actually, Grime, I think you should wait by the gate for the other toads to show up. They know you and will follow your orders," Sasha responded. 

"Alright, but don't die," Grime teased. "Wait, sorry, is it too soon?" He added, looking at Marcy. 

Marcy chuckled, "You're fine." 

"And I'll try my best not too," Sasha told Grime. 

"I can go with Sasha," Tarantula suggested, "Gertie knows me too, but the toads don't." 

"That's good," Sasha responded. 

"And I'll join you two also," Polly added. 

"Alright!" Marcy exclaimed, "And I think I should search Newtopia because I know this city the best out of the remaining people and I know the triplets, Lady Olivia, and General Yunan." 

"Me and Felica can stay by the gates with Grime, considering we don't know Newtopia at all," Mrs. Croaker suggested, "That's ok with you, right?" She asked Felicia. 

Felicia nodded. 

"And I guess that leaves you coming with me, Hop Pop," Marcy said. 

"Oh! I don't really know Newtopia that well either..." Hop Pop responded. 

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