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Namjoon woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. He groaned and turned his alarm off, throwing his phone back on his bed somewhere.

Before he could even go back to sleep, Taehyung was bursting into his room and jumping on his bed, laying next to him. Namjoon groaned from Taehyung jumping on his stomach.

"Hyung, get up! I made us breakfast" Taehyung said.

"Tae, we don't have to be up for another few hours and you're waking me up!" Namjoon whined.

"Joonie.. it's 10:45am, you technically overslept" Namjoon sat up so fast when he heard that, that he ended up getting a slight headache. He groaned and held his head. "My god, be careful hyung!"

"Whatever, we're opening the shop at 12 right?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung said 'yes'.

"Yoongi hyung will be there later on in the day.. he's gonna move his stuff in here tomorrow"

"Ok, I can't wait to see hyung again!" Namjoon said, happy that he gets to see his other best friend today.

They got a three bedroom apartment and Yoongi was looking to move out of his parents house so of course Tae and Namjoon said he could live with them. Plus, it was easier since all three of them were gonna be running the bakery together.

It's been a week since they moved into their new apartment and Namjoon haven't seen those scary guys again. To be honest, he didn't want to but, he kinda did want to see that tall muscular handsome guy again.

Namjoon does remember the guy looking him up and down and smirking at him. He kinda hoped to see him again after that day last week but, for the past week, he hasn't seen him.

He remembered everything about that handsome guy. His long jet black hair, his broad shoulders, his very muscular chest popping out from how tight his shirt was, that sexy smirk that was plastered onto his face, the oh so sexy outfit he was wearing.

The handsome guy wore some dark blue jeans, a plain white shirt, a leather jacket, and some black converse.

Namjoon remembered everything.

He even remembered the tattoo on the guy's neck. He's not usually one to like guys with tattoos but damn, the tattoo on that guy's neck was so sexy. It was a big rose tattoo and it was hot as fuck.

 It was a big rose tattoo and it was hot as fuck

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(the tattoo on jin's neck)

He wondered if the guy had more tattoos. He couldn't see any other tattoos other than the one on his neck so he wondered if the guy had more tattoos and where at on his body.

"What're you thinking about?" Taehyung asked, knocking Namjoon out of his thoughts.

"N-Nothing.." Namjoon said, cheeks turning a shade of red from him blushing.

"Liar! you were thinking of something because you just stared off into space and now you're blushing! so what was it you were thinking of?" Taehyung asked, a smirk forming on his face.

"Aish! Leave me alone Tae!" Namjoon said and Taehyung laughed at him.


Now at the bakery, Taehyung and Namjoon had some customers here and there and was happy to see people buying their stuff.

They were just putting a few things away when they heard a motorcycle pulling up outside. It was loud too, so Namjoon looked to see who it was and long behold, it was that handsome guy. Namjoon gasped.

The guy took his helmet off and ran his fingers through his long hair, moving some strands out of his face. He looked over, inside of the bakery, and smirked when he saw Namjoon staring at him. Namjoon blushed and hurriedly turned away.

The handsome guy, aka Seokjin or Jin, has a reason for why he's now sitting in front of the bakery.

You see, earlier, him and his friends were talking and somehow, Namjoon was brought up in their conversation. They talked about how beautiful Namjoon was- nobody could ever deny that- and also about who would look best with Namjoon and who would be able to get him first.

"He looks so innocent" his friend Jungkook had said.

"That's all the more reason to break him" his other friend, Jackson, said.

Seokjin and his friends were the type of guys to prey on the innocent and once they got what they wanted, they would break their hearts and leave them alone, heartbroken, and neither Seokjin or his friends would care.

Sadly for Namjoon, he's the prey about to be attacked by the predator and he doesn't even know it.

"I bet no one can get him," Seokjin's friend, Hoseok, said "he seems way too innocent and like the type to not like people like us. I mean, y'all all saw how scared he was when Jungkook approached him."

"I can.." Seokjin finally said to his friends.

"You can what?" Hoseok asked him.

"I can get him.. he'll be easy since he already has eyes for me" Seokjin said, confusing the rest of his friends.

"What do you mean?" Jackson asked.

"I mean, that day when we first saw him, he looked at me like as if it was love at first sight.. y'all weren't paying attention but I saw it"

"I did too," his friend, Jimin, said "Do it, make him fall hard for you and then break him so bad that he'll want to move away from you" Jimin added and everyone, even Seokjin, looked at him with a shocked look.

"You seem to not like him.. do you know him?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, we want to high school together and he took my best friend away from me" Jimin said.

"Anyways, Seokjin, you have one month to make him fall for and sleep with you" Jackson said.

"Sleeping with him wasn't part of the deal.." Seokjin said.

"What're you scared to do it?" Jungkook asked, a smirk making it's way on his face.

"I'm not scared, I'll do it." Seokjin said

After that, he left and got on his motorcycle which is how he ended up at the bakery, wasting no time to start the plan. He saw Namjoon staring at him, once again, and he smirked at him. He chuckled when Namjoon blushed and turned.

"This is going to be way too easy" Seokjin said to himself. He got off of his bike and made his way inside of the bakery.


Seokjin's an asshole we see😅...

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