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we should hangout today.

that was the message namjoon woke up to this morning. he was glad to finally be hanging out with seokjin and not just seeing him at the bakery. luckily today was his off day. honestly, they get to pick their own off days since it's their shop

namjoon had told them that he wasn't going in today. he didn't tell them why and he was glad that they didn't question him. they just thought that he must've been tired from working everyday for two weeks straight. when taehyung and yoongi left, namjoon had got up and got showered after texting seokjin back. he was really happy to be hanging out with seokjin.

he dressed in a pair of blue ripped jeans, a white button down shirt and wore a pink sweater vest over top of it, and his vans. he wore his silver jewelry, feeling like it would go better with his outfit rather than something gold, and went back to the bathroom and washed his face them brushed his teeth.

he got finished just in time when he heard a horn from outside. he looked a bit confused because didn't seokjin have a motorcycle? he went to the window and saw seokjin standing in front of a car and smiled. he was glad he didn't bring the motorcycle because he's a scared to get on one. also, couldn't he have came like 10 minutes later? namjoon at least wanted to eat a bowl of cereal first.

oh, he had texted seokjin his address. that's how the man know where he lives.

namjoon made his way outside with a smile on his face. he was excited to be hanging out with seokjin today. he's been trying to keep his feelings in check because they haven't known each other for that long but, he can't help it. seokjin may be cold sometimes but, he's so freaking fine and he doesn't seem to be cold towards namjoon.

when namjoon finally got outside, seokjin couldn't deny how cute namjoon looked. it made him feel things that he didn't want to admit. that's not what he's here for. he's here to play with namjoon and then break him.

that's what he's doing. he's not here to catch feelings for some easily manipulated boy.

"hi seokjin!" namjoon happily said. it kinda made seokjin feel bad for what he was doing to him. namjoon just seems so... so happy and excited and here seokjin is, faking the whole thing.

'snap out of it seokjin' he thought to himself.

he mustered up a fake smile, keeping up with his act of course, and opened the door for namjoon. the boy blushed as he got in the car to which seokjin closed the door for him as well then made his way over to the driver's side.

"you look cute today.." seokjin said as he finally was inside the car with his seatbelt on.

namjoon blushed but decided to be playful. "do i not look cute every other day too?"

seokjin chuckled as they drove off. he kept his eyes on the road and namjoon took the chance to just admire him. seokjin is really beautiful and handsome.

he had thought seokjin forgot about his jokingly question until he heard him speak. "you look cute everyday, baby."

of course he blushed but decided to not speak on it, trying to rid those feelings of butterflies in his belly. he looked at seokjin then down at his hand. he wanted to hold his hand so bad but he didn't know if it would make seokjin uncomfortable or not so he refrained from doing so and just looked out the window.

he didn't bother asking seokjin where they were going because he wanted the man to surprise him but he was a bit curious. he was also curious about something else now that he's thinking about it.

"hyung, is this your car or are you borrowing it?" he asked and seokjin looked over at him, caught off guard by the 'hyung' part.

"it's my car.. i just use my motorcycle more because I've never had to drive anyone around." seokjin said and namjoon nodded in understanding. "what made you ask?"

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