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"hyungie, come on~" namjoon whined as he tried to get seokjin to get out of bed. the man just wanted to cuddle him though. "hoseok hyung told me you've barely been eating so get up so i can make you something."

the man just sighed as he got up. namjoon smiled, flashing those cute dimples as he dragged the man out of the room. he ignored the stares once again and they made their way to the kitchen.


"yes sir." seokjin playfully said as he sat down at the table. he just watched with admiring eyes as namjoon looked around for a bit but then grabbed the loaf of bread and sat it on the counter then went into the fridge and pulled out some mayo, turkey lunch meat, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.

the boy made seokjin a sandwich and cut it diagonally in half, putting it on a plate. he also grabbed the bag of potato chips he saw and put some on the plate as well then sat the plate in front of seokjin with a smile on his face.

"I'm not really good at cooking.." he said as he blushed.

"it looks so good though!" seokjin said which made namjoon happy. as seokjin started eating the sandwich, namjoon had got a cup out of the cabinet and filled it when some apple juice he seen in the fridge and gave it to seokjin as well. "thank you, cutie"

namjoon sat down next to him and rested his head on the man's shoulder which made seokjin smile. the man picked up a chip and fed it to namjoon.

meanwhile, his friends were just shocked. they had honestly forgot about them and just been in their own little world and honestly it's so cute. the only one who wasn't as shocked was hoseok and that's because he's seen the way seokjin gets when he's really committed to a relationship.

"hyungie, i think you should apologize to jimin.." namjoon said.

"I'll apologize once he apologizes to you.."

"jinnie~ come on!" namjoon whined. "I'm okay... but he's your friend you can't always be angry with your friends."

"namjoon, it's not even about the fact that he told you about what i did.. it's more so about the fact that he's always badmouthing you and, yes he's my friend but, if he can't respect you knowing that i wanna be with you, then there's nothing to talk about." seokjin said and he was being so serious.

same goes for any of his friends. if they can't respect the guy he's dating then there's nothing to talk about.

"just do it for me please?" namjoon asked as he hugged the man. "i don't want you guys to be upset with each other."

"but joon-"

"apologize." namjoon said, this time in a more demanding tone and seokjin sighed as he nodded.

they stood up and made their way into the living room where everyone else was. namjoon stood a bit behind seokjin because he don't really feel too comfortable around everyone else yet. he's okay around hoseok though since he sees him so much. he also think hoseok is really nice and sweet and cute.

"jimin... i wanna apologize to you for yelling at you." seokjin said with a soft smile. jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes which made not only seokjin mad but it also made namjoon mad.

"did he put you up to this?" jimin asked.

"it doesn't-"

"why won't you just shut the fuck up and be grateful he's even apologizing to you?" it was namjoon who said it and it shocked everyone. the boy always seemed so shy and quiet. "he is apologizing because i told him to so, if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be apologizing at all."

"a lot of things wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for you.. it's always been you." jimin said and namjoon was really fed up.

he's just gonna keep bringing up the past and it's so annoying and tiring.

"you know what.. fuck you." namjoon said with a venomous tone. "you don't even know a real friend when you see one. you're so stuck on what happened and yet you don't even know what fully happened. you're just going based off of what that asshole told you." namjoon said. he was so done with jimin and so over trying to get them to be friends again. if jimin was gonna keep acting like then so be it.

there's no need to be friends.

"if you would've just listened to tae, you would've known that he's been lying to you. he was talking to you and tae the entire time but when tae found out and went to tell you, he already had told you all of that bullshit he said to you."

"no dick can be that good that you'd listen to him over your best friend because if it was the other way around and it was seokjin and me going through this, I'd take your side over his in a heartbeat because we were all supposed to be best friends! but, fuck it, you can do whatever you want with this information. whether you wanna be friends with me and tae again or not, oh well. I'm done trying to be a peacemaker."

namjoon was done talking and honestly everyone was shocked. he just went off on jimin and not a lot of people can do that. and succeed at that.

"seokjinnie, apologize if you want. i don't care anymore." and with that, namjoon walked away and went into seokjin's room, closing the door.

"what is he talking about?" jimin asked as he turned and faced jungkook. "you lied to me?"

seokjin just walked away and left them to talk. he made his way back to his room and softly closed the door behind him, smiling softly at namjoon who still looked pissed off.

"baby, calm down okay?" seokjin said as he sat down on his bed and pulled namjoon into his lap. namjoon just sighed and rested his head on his shoulder, nuzzling his face in the crook of his neck. seokjin just smiled as he rubbed the boy's back.

I'm so glad he's giving me a second chance.. I'll really prove to him that i really really do want to be with him.

"it makes me sad that he doesn't want to be friends with us anymore. me and tae miss him so much but he's just so stubborn." namjoon say as he wrap his arms around seokjin's torso.

he never really payed it any attention but, seokjin really has a small waist. it's really nice. especially nice when he's holding his waist during sex as seokjin is pounding into hi-

"what're you thinking about, baby?" seokjin asked as he noticed namjoon lost in his thoughts. it's cute. "don't be too upset about jimin okay? if he wants, he'll come around."

namjoon smiled as he blushed. he was blushing from embarrassment though because he wasn't thinking about jimin at all. he was thinking more... explicit thoughts about seokjin.

"thanks but... that's not what i was thinking about." namjoon say as he blush and hide his face in the crook of seokjin's neck.

the man smirked. "oh..? what were you thinking then?"

"about you... doing some.. things with me."

seokjin just chuckled as he gently pushed namjoon down onto the bed and was now hovering over him. the boy wrapped his arms around seokjin's neck and his legs around his waist as the man leaned down closer to him.

"y'know.. i missed fucking you so much. you always look so beautiful when you're moaning from taking my dick." seokjin say, voice low, which makes namjoon start to squirm around in excitement. "you want me to fuck you so good again, baby?"

namjoon just whimpered as he nodded his head. the man leaned closer, pecking namjoon's lips then he moved back and sat up, confusing namjoon.

"unfortunately, that's gonna have to wait though. i wanna take you out on a date first before we get into having sex again." seokjin say and namjoon throws a mini tantrum which makes seokjin laugh.

"come onnnnn~" namjoon whined. "you can't just get me in the mood like that just to stop."

"baby, I'll make sure to give you all the dick you want when the time comes." seokjin say as he get up and head over to his closet.

namjoon just sat up, crossing his legs and arms with a glare and a pout on his face.

aish, he's so cute! seokjin thought to himself.

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