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namjoon has noticed that seokjin's been a bit on edge lately and he don't know why. it's been like a few weeks since they had sex and he's wondering if that's why he's been on edge. did he not like it? was he bad?

i thought it was good.. seokjin said it was the best.

he wanna ask him about it but he's just scared of what he's gonna find out. he went through shit like this before and he doesn't wanna do it again. that's why he was so scared of falling for seokjin so fast and hard but he knows he already fell too deep. deeper than he fell for his ex.

so he's just scared of something being wrong or maybe seokjin hurting him.

but he's also wondering if yoongi said something to him because he's been like that ever since yoongi was upset that day. he knows yoongi was lying to him. he's not stupid, he been knowing yoongi for so many years now to know that something was wrong with him and it wasn't the fact that he woke up in a bad mood because the man was happy when he woke up. he even let him stay home from work that day.

he's just wondering if it has something to do with seokjin. he remembers yoongi saying that he knew him from when he used to live in this area before so, now he's just wondering if they knew each other more than what they're saying they did.

like... was it more intimately.

he usually wouldn't be this suspicious but, now both seokjin and yoongi are acting weird and it's making him wonder. would his best friend really be messing with the guy he likes behind his back? he would hope not. or is seokjin falling for yoongi? he don't know but he's scared of the answer he'll find out.

so, right now, he just decided not to think about it.

"taehyungie... can i ask you something?" namjoon asked. right now, him and taehyung are at the bakery. they just had a bit of a rush but it slowed down. namjoon is upset with himself because he's been messing up today. "you can't say anything to yoongi though or hoseok because you be telling him everything."

"oh, it's serious?" taehyung asked and namjoon nodded. "okay, you know it'll stay between the two of us."

namjoon just sighed. "do you think seokjin and yoongi might've had something going on in the past?" he then asked and taehyung looked at him weird. "it's just... they're both acting so weird ever since that day at the apartment when you dragged me into your room and they were in the kitchen by themselves.." he was getting frustrated and it was making him sad. "i don't wanna think like this but yoongi said he did know seokjin when he used to live in this area and now they're both just acting so funny towards me.."

taehyung felt bad. he could hear the worry and panick in namjoon's voice. he normally would tell him not to worry but that's not gonna stop the boy from worrying. especially after what happened with his ex.

"hyungie, i don't think yoongi hyung would do something like that to you.." taehyung said.

"i know but I'm scared..." the boy said, his eyes tearing up. taehyung really felt bad. "after everything with my ex, I'm just scared.. especially because i already like seokjin so much that it's gonna hurt me so bad if what i think is true."

taehyung just hugged him. he knows that's not all what's wrong with him. namjoon gets upset and blames himself when he messes up on things and today a customer got smart with him because he messed up so now he's just frustrated and blaming himself for everything.

but, majority of what's wrong is this stuff going on with seokjin. he's just scared because he really likes seokjin a lot. taehyung can tell. he didn't even act like this when he was dating his ex and that's saying something because he really really liked his ex so much.

it makes taehyung scared for how much he likes seokjin. maybe he doesn't even like him. maybe he's in love with him.

"hyung, just calm down... everything will be fine." taehyung said as he rubbed namjoon's back. "do you wanna talk to them about it? I'll be with you if you do."

the boy shook his head. "no, maybe I'm just being paranoid... I'll just leave it alone."

they heard that same familiar motorcycle and namjoon hurried and wiped his eyes. luckily his tears didn't fall but he still didn't want seokjin to see him all sad and about to cry.

seokjin walked in and smiled at him and he smiled back. "hey cutie, how's your day going?" the man asked as he hugged namjoon. the boy hugged back and sighed. "oh no... that don't sound too good, everything okay?"

"no... I've been messing up all day and customers were getting upset with me but, one customer actually yelled at me and got smart." namjoon said as he pouted, looking up at the man.

he wanted to bring up everything that he's feeling right now but he's just scared of what he'll hear.

"I'll beat their ass. who was it?" seokjin and and it made namjoon giggle which then made seokjin smile. he loves that smile. "i love when you smile, it's so cute.."

that made namjoon blush as he hid his face in seokjin's chest.

"ugh, you guys are so cute it's gross.. I'll be prepping stuff if you need me, hyung." taehyung said and namjoon nodded.

"joonie, wanna jerk me off? I'm horny." seokjin said and the boy blushed as he looked up at seokjin with wide eyes.

"seokjinnie~ we're in public!" namjoon said as he smacked seokjin's chest.

"so? what's wrong with a lil public play?" seokjin asked and oh gosh was namjoon blushing so much. "wouldn't it be hot if someone were to see you jerking me off? what makes it better is that they can watch all they want but it's only for you at the end of the day."

okay... that does sound kind of hot but no! not right now at least.

"the most I'll do in public right now is car sex but, don't even get any ideas!" he said once he saw the look on seokjin's face. that smirk that he just knew some ideas were spiraling around in the man's head.

"okay but, i am gonna fuck you in public one day." seokjin said and namjoon was still blushing. "i want everyone to know your mine when you're screaming my name."

namjoon just blushed as he shook his head.

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