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i didn't want to keep y'all waiting so here you go❤️!!

the bakery was actually quite busy today. people wanted to check it out since it was new to the neighborhood. all three of them- yoongi, taehyung, and namjoon- were so glad to see people loving their baked goods.

the bakery is almost closing soon and namjoon was surprised to see seokjin hadn't stopped by yet. he was kinda sad too.

he dressed up nice for him just for not to show up. ugh, a good outfit wasted.

that was until he heard that same motorcycle outside. he turned and saw seokjin taking off his helmet. the way he ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing it back, was so fucking hot. seokjin had looked over and, once again, saw namjoon staring at him through the window. he smirked and namjoon blushed, looking away.

it was cute.

namjoon had a smile on his face as he saw seokjin getting off his bike and making his way inside of the bakery. seokjin was wearing ripped black jeans- which was showing off part of his thighs and knees and it was so hot- and a black shirt with a leather jacket on. he also had on his black biker boats and gosh it was really fucking hot.

 he also had on his black biker boats and gosh it was really fucking hot

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(this is what seokjin's motorcycle look like if anyone was wondering)

"s-seokjin, hi!" namjoon said, maybe a little too happy, as seokjin walked in.

"hey cutie. how was your sleep last night?" seokjin asked. namjoon blushed as he remembered his and seokjin's texts last night. of course seokjin would bring it up.

"it was good actually."

"it could've been better if you had let me come over and give you some good... you know what" seokjin said, smirking at how namjoon was blushing so much.

seokjin is getting a kick out of how fast and easy this is. it's too easy. they've barely known each other and yet namjoon is already so affected by him. he knows he has that effect on people but still.

it almost made him feel kinda bad for what he was doing to namjoon.


he's not changing his ways just because some cute boy is so easily manipulated into thinking that seokjin may actually like him. yeah, no. he doesn't at all. he just loves toying around with people and then fucking them only to leaving them broken afterwards. it's fun watching people get their hearts broken.

call him an evil bitch or whatever you want but, he doesn't care.

he loves making people feel like they're together just to to leave them after he fucks them. he's done it to a lot of people and he's not gonna stop now.

when the time comes, he'll do the same to namjoon and no one's gonna stop him.

"yah, stop talking about that!" namjoon said, his his face in his hands. he didn't want seokjin to see him blushing so much.

"why? does the little virgin not like hearing about sex?" seokjin asked in a teasing manner.

"not that it's your business but, I'm not a virgin. i know all about sex"

"then let's go have some. I'll make sure to have you moaning nothing but my name, baby" seokjin said, voice low and husky.

the way he said baby had namjoon's knees ready to give out on him. gosh, what is seokjin doing to him. they barely know each other and yet, he just wants to be around him and only him. he wants to see him everyday. he wants... he just wants seokjin.

no no. yoongi said be careful so he needs to be careful. he should listen to yoongi.


he still wants to just be around seokjin. oh my gosh this is too much for him.

"whatever seokjin. are you buying something because if not, then you're just here wasting time" namjoon said as he walked behind the counter. he didn't mind seokjin wasting time. he was ready to go home anyways.

"yeah, you can give me a strawberry cupcake" seokjin said. namjoon nodded and put some gloves on so he can get the cupcake for seokjin. he was ready to put the cupcake in the little box and bag for him but seokjin stoppped him, "don't need a bag. I'm gonna eat it now."

"oh... okay" namjoon said as he grabbed a napkin and handed the cupcake to seokjin. "that'll be $2.50"

seokjin handed him a five dollar bill and told him to keep the change.

he then slowly put the cupcake up to his mouth, making sure namjoon was looking at him, then stuck his tongue out and slowly licked the icing. he smirked when he heard a small gasp from namjoon. it didn't make it any better that the icing was vanilla so it was white of course.

he then looked namjoon in the eyes as he continued to slowly lick the icing. some of it got on his lips and he licked it off.

yeah, namjoon is fine. he's totally fine. nothing to worry about.

then he did it. he fucking did it. seokjin let out a soft moan as he licked all the icing off. yeah, no, namjoon is totally fine! he's definitely not feeling hot or squirming right now. he's definitely not trying to cover up his growing... yeah.

oh my gosh! seokjin needs to get out right now!

"that was good. thank you. I'll eat the rest later" seokjin said, a smirk on his face when he saw namjoon's legs squirming as if he was trying to cover something. a boner maybe. "you okay? you seem... i don't know, as if you're... hard or something"

namjoon gasped, his cheeks turning red. "I'm n-not! can you g-go now!?"

"you sure you don't want me to help with that, baby?" seokjin asked, the fucking hot smirk never leaving his face.

"seokjin! o-oh my god! please go!" namjoon said, desperate at this point. seokjin laughed and nodded.

"I'll text you tonight, cutie" seokjin said, winking at namjoon, as he started walking out. namjoon followed behind him so he could lock the door.

once seokjin was out, he sighed and hurried locking the door. he looked at seokjin getting on his motorcycle and started it up, the loud engine roaring as he turned it on. seokjin looked back over to him and smirked. he pointed down at something and namjoon looked down only to see a tent in his shorts. he gasped and covered himself, blushing madly now.

he couldn't hear it but he could definitely see seokjin laughing as he put his helmet on.

he was quick to run in the back, once seokjin pulled off, and rush into the bathroom. he wasn't at home so he couldn't take a cold shower and he wasn't walking home with a boner just for creepy people to try and talk to him so he did the only thing he could.

he jerked off in the bathroom.

what else was he supposed to do!? and nobody was there since yoongi and taehyung had left to go get some groceries.

he felt nasty for even doing that in the bathroom but, his boner wasn't going down so and he really didn't want to risk it and walk home like that when there's creepy people who like to... to touch people without their permission. he couldn't wait to get back home so he could take a shower.

this is not what he was expecting when he saw seokjin. he expected them to talk and maybe get to know each other more. not him in the bathroom jerking off because seokjin turned him on.


when he finally got home, he rushed to his room, ignoring tae and yoongi who was speaking to him. he grabbed his night clothes and his towel and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.

"that... that was weird." yoongi said and tae nodded in agreement.

omg so seokjin is a big tease we see😭!!

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