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both boys laid in seokjin's bed, naked and panting after some real good sex. namjoon don't think he's ever gonna get tired of sex with seokjin and seokjin feels the same way which is a first for him.

he's never had sex more than once with anyone but each time with namjoon just feels so much better than before.

"hyungie, i don't think I'll ever get used to this.." namjoon said as he turned and rested his head on seokjin's chest. the man ran his fingers through his hair and namjoon just softly smiled.

they were still naked. they just didn't feel like getting up just yet. they were too comfortable and a bit tired. yeah, seokjin went hard today. namjoon knew he must've been serious when he said he was horny. at first he thought the man was just joking because he jokes like that but, after that session, he knew he must've been dead serious.

he loved it though, nonetheless. seokjin's so good in bed. truly the best he's ever had.

"is that a good or bad thing?" seokjin asked as he chuckled.

"it's a good thing... i have a question though.." namjoon said and seokjin hummed, letting him know that he was listening. "you wouldn't hurt me right? it's just that... i don't know, i like you so much that it scares me to not know how you truly feel." namjoon said as he looked up at the man. "we never really talked about it.." he said as he blushed a bit.

seokjin scolded himself at the realization. he wonder how long has namjoon been thinking like this. fuck, I'm so stupid.

"i like you too, joonie. i really do and I'm sorry for making you think this way." seokjin said as he leaned down and kissed namjoon's forehead. "as for your question, I'll try my best not to but, i can't make any promises because we don't know what the future holds." he said and namjoon nodded because that was true.

seokjin said that for two reasons.

1. because it's true.

you can't control the future and although he's trying to change, he can't promise that he won't hurt him. he's gonna try his best not to.

2. because, he's afraid of namjoon finding out about that bet he made with his friends.

if he would've known he was gonna end up liking namjoon so much he would've never made the bet but, he did and it's something he can't change so, if namjoon find out, as much as he don't want to, he'll accept whatever happens.


"i can understand that... but, hyungie, what are we?" namjoon asked as he sat up, covering him with seokjin's soft sheets. no they, surprisingly, didn't make a mess on them. "i mean, we've been on dates and we've obviously had sex already. you treat me like I'm your boyfriend so.. is it wrong of me to assume we're together?"

seokjin just smiled. "namjoonie, be my boyfriend... please?" he asked, cheeks heating up and gosh did namjoon think it was so cute.

"yes! of course! gosh, i want you to kiss me... and maybe fuck me again." the boy said as he blushed and seokjin smirked.

and so seokjin did both, loving the way namjoon moans his name and the way the boy always grip so tightly onto his arms and back when he's going deep inside of him. as always, it was good.

maybe a bit too good because seokjin's friends heard them going at it, once again.

"you think seokjin will let me fuck him? his moans sound so good." jackson said and hoseok just glared at him.

"judging from the way seokjin likes namjoon so much, he's not letting anyone touch him." hoseok said and honestly, he's never seen seokjin like someone this much in such a short time.

jimin just scoffed. "why do they have to do that here.."

"at least he's getting some." jungkook said, glaring at jimin. it actually made the boy giggle. he's been teasing jungkook all day just to deny him in the end. he knows it's gonna make for some killer sex tonight.

he loves when jungkook is angry and upset. the sex is always so good.

"you'll get some but not right now.." jimin said.

"that's not fair. you can't just make me hard then not want to give me some ass!" jungkook said but then jimin leaned down and whispered something in his ear and the boy just smirked as he nodded.

"gosh, you two should just date already." jackson said.

"and you should just shut the fuck up.. me and jungkook-ah already agreed for this to be no strings attached." jimin said and hoseok saw a look of hurt wash over jungkook's face but it quickly went away as he nodded.

he definitely likes jimin a lot.. i knew it.

they didn't know how long they were talking for because the next thing they knew, seokjin was walking out of his room in nothing but some sweatpants on. he also wasn't wearing underwear. they could tell from the still semi hard dick print but they didn't care, they've all seen each other naked before. they could see the hickeys on his neck and chest and the light scratch marks on his back.

the man went into the kitchen and came back out a few seconds later with two water bottles and a big bag of lay's chips.

"why're y'all staring at me?" seokjin asked with a unamused expression.

"no reason.." jackson said and seokjin just shook his head as he made his way back to his room to see namjoon snuggled up in his blankets and falling asleep. the sight made him smile. he's so fucking cute.

he got back in bed and immediately, namjoon cuddled up with him, resting his head in the crook of the man's neck. seokjin chuckled softly at the action.

"baby, drink some water so you won't lose your voice.. you were a bit loud." seokjin said as he handed the boy a water bottle.

namjoon tiredly whined and took the bottle from him. he drunk some and sat the bottle down on seokjin's nightstand then laid back down, hugging the man's waist and loving his warmth. "it's your fault."

seokjin just smiled. "joonie, i like you so much." he whispered and the boy smiled and softly kissed seokjin's chest. seokjin didn't mind him not saying it back because the boy was tired and once he looked down, he saw that namjoon was already falling asleep.

i really do like you so much, you don't understand.

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