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"why'd you rush in like that? did something happen?" yoongi asked when namjoon finally was done and in some different clothes.

like hell he was gonna tell them that he had jerked off because seokjin had turned him on in the store, so he rushed in because he felt all sticky and nasty.

yeah no, he definitely wasn't telling them that.

what made him even more embarrassed was that while he was jerking off, he thought of seokjin. he thought of seokjin doing it for him instead of him doing it himself, or he thought of seokjin... never mind. he just wasn't telling that to taehyung and yoongi.

"oh i had stepped in something on my way here and it made me feel nasty" yeah, he stepped right into seokjin's trap.

gosh why did seokjin have to be so damn sexy.


other than the incident that just happened, today was a good day for the three of them. not much happened but it was good for them to all be in the bakery together and working together. they're really each other's best friends and it makes each one of them happy to be working together.

"so, y'all know seokjin's friend hoseok?" tae asked, a nervous look on his face. the two nodded their heads, giving tae their full attention. "i umm... i ran into him earlier and we talked for a bit then he asked for my number..."

namjoon just smiled when he saw taehyung blushing. on the other hand, yoongi just had a concerned look on his face. if this guy was seokjin's friend then he's capable of doing the same thing seokjin did to him and he don't want that to happen to his taetae. both namjoon and taehyung are like little brothers to him and he don't want to see them hurt by anyone.

"really!? did you give it to him?" namjoon asked, a smile on his face.

taehyung nodded as he blushed. "i did..."

"taetae just be careful okay? i won't never tell y'all to not talk to someone but please be careful honey. he's seokjin's friend which means he can be capable of hurting you like seokjin did to m- umm... just be careful okay?" yoongi say. both taehyung and namjoon looked a bit confused as to what yoongi was gonna say but then nodded.

"i will hyungie, i promise." taehyung said.


"any progress?" jungkook asked when he saw seokjin get off of his motorcycle and take his helmet off. the man got off of his bike and made his way through the garage and to where jungkook was. the man was doing work on his car. it doesn't need to be fixed or anything jungkook is just adding stuff to it since he likes street racing.

"yep. a lot of progress too. this isn't any fun for me if I'm being honest." seokjin said as he sighed, plopping down on the couch next to jimin who was too busy playing games. "namjoon is so easy. just earlier i made him hard just from licking a cupcake. it's fucking pathetic how easy he is. I'll be done with him soon"

jungkook just laughed. seokjin sounded so uninterested. like more than any times before. usually he gets a kick out of guys playing hard to get but that doesn't seem to be the case with namjoon.

"well then just get it over quick and leave him alone. he's not really worth it anyways." jimin said, not looking up from the tv screen. seokjin rolled his eyes.

seokjin got up from the couch then made his way up to his room. his room was the biggest since he's the oldest out of everyone. their garage was big. it had sections and everyone who didn't get a room got a section of the garage. the oldest ones got a room in the apartment on top of the garage.

anyways, seokjin got up to his room and was getting his things out to take a shower when his phone went off, signaling a message. he pulled it out of his pocket and saw that it was a message from namjoon. without even realizing, he smiled as he opened the message.

did you make it home safely?

just got home cutie

okay great :)

why'd you ask?

was just making sure you're okay. you
haven't texted yet and i was kinda worried

seokjin was surprised by that. it was the first time someone wanted to make sure he was okay. not even his own friends checked up on him. he loves them but they don't really care to check up on him. well, hoseok does sometimes but that's it.

well I'm okay.

okay good :) ttyl ?

yeah of course.


seokjin sat his phone down on his bed then grabbed his towel and made his way to his bathroom. as he showered, he thought about namjoon. the boy made sure he was okay? seokjin didn't know why but... he felt a weird feeling when he read over namjoon's messages.

it was a feeling he never felt before so he just ignored it. after washing and everything, he got out of the shower and wrapped his towel around his waist and made his way into his room where he then got dressed in some boxers, a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

the man then laid down in bed. as he was laying down though, he started thinking of namjoon and he didn't like that. the boy is cute, he won't deny that, but he's not necessarily seokjin's type either. well... seokjin doesn't really have a type since he don't do dating but if he was to date anyone, it wouldn't be someone like namjoon. namjoon is so easily affected by just someone flirting with him and seokjin don't really like that. namjoon makes it easy for someone like seokjin who just wants to fuck him and leave him afterwards.

that easily canceled out any thoughts seokjin had of the boy. someone that easy will be that easy if someone else comes along and that's something seokjin don't like. especially if he was looking to date.

so, he'll stick to his plan. get namjoon to fall in love with him, fuck him real good and leave him.

meanwhile, namjoon is sitting on his bed with a smile on his face. he don't want to admit it but, he's starting to like seokjin. he knows he shouldn't but he can't help who he fall for. all he's hoping for is that this won't be like his last so called "relationship".

his last relationship was going smoothly in the beginning until he found the guy cheating on him. it really broke namjoon's heart. what made it worse was that instead of owning up to his actions and apologizing, his ex turned everything on him and made it seem like he was the problem.

he told namjoon that he shouldn't be too easy to get. told him that he's boring and no fun. he even went as far as saying that namjoon wasn't even that attractive to ever make anyone stay.

what's worse is that after a while, namjoon started to believe everything he said to him. maybe he wasn't attractive enough. maybe he wasn't any fun and he was just boring. maybe he was way too easy to get.

that was the start of his insecurities. everyday, he would look in the mirror, not liking the person he saw staring back at him. he didn't find himself to be attractive at all no matter how much yoongi and taehyung told him he was. he never talked to any other guys who were trying to talk to him because he thought that he was too easy and they would just do the same thing. sometimes, he really wish he never gave his ex his virginity but that's something you can't take back.

he don't regret it because it was good with his ex but he just wish he never even laid down with the man as much times as he did. all the times where namjoon thought he was the only one, his ex was probably out having sex with other people.

so now he's just hoping that things will be different this time with seokjin. he's starting to like him and he don't want his heart to be broken again.

he's closed himself off for a long time now so maybe things will be different this time.

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