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the two were now in the kitchen. namjoon was in actual shock right now. can seokjin get any better?! the man is so handsome, so nice to him, fucking amazing in bed, and now he's finding out that he can cook?! gosh, namjoon just might actually be in love with him.

he was sitting at the table, drinking his coffee and watching seokjin cook. the man was shirtless and i in his sweatpants right now. he also has scratches and marks on his back and namjoon couldn't help but feel proud knowing that those are his scratches.

the sex was fucking amazing!

"seokjinnie~ why'd you go so hard on me? i still feel it" namjoon said as he walked over and hugged seokjin's waist from behind. the man just chuckled.

"baby, you wanted me to go harder..." seokjin said and namjoon blushed. "is your legs still shaking? that's why you're saying something?"

"my legs weren't shaking!" namjoon said, so red in the face, as he smacked seokjin's arm.

they definitely were shaking... whaaat~? I've never had an orgasm that good!

"don't be embarrassed baby." seokjin said still laughing. "that just means i fucked you real good."

"you guys fucked?!" they heard and turned to see taehyung and yoongi standing there. taehyung with wide eyes and yoongi with a look namjoon can't read. is he okay? "and your legs were shaking?! omg, hyung tell me everything!" taehyung said as he rushed over and pulled namjoon away from seokjin and out of the kitchen.

it was now quiet and seokjin felt awkward as yoongi just glared at him. he knew why the boy would glare at him but he still felt awkward.

"it's actually surprising that you're still here and he's not crying... or were you gonna still break his heart and leave him like you always do?" yoongi said, nothing but a hateful tone in his voice and obviously seokjin understood where it was coming from.

"i don't plan on hurting him, believe it or not." seokjin said as he turned the stove off and was letting the food cool down. he turned facing yoongi. "i actually really like him a lot."

yoongi just scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "that's what you said to me."

"yeah, but i mean it this time.." seokjin said and saw that pained look on yoongi's face. "fuck, wrong choice of words. I'm sorry... i just-"

"fuck you, seokjin." yoongi said, hurt by the man's words. "you would think that after all of these years, I'd be over you but I'm not.. i still love you so much and had the littlest bit of hope that you'd change from this asshole person to a good person and you did... but it's not for me." yoongi said as his eyes were tearing up. seokjin felt so bad. "everyday i hear about how happy you make namjoon feel or how you came over to yet again take him out somewhere and i can't help but feel so envious and jealous... i don't want to because he's my best friend but i can't help it."

"yoongi-ah, I'm really trying to change... just... let me make it up to you somehow." seokjin said. "I'm really sorry."

"no.. just stay the fuck away from me. i don't wanna see you." and with that, yoongi walked away to which seokjin was assuming his room because he heard a door slam shut.

seokjin really felt so bad but he knows it's all his fault and that makes it worse because what if he tells namjoon.. namjoon will most definitely stop talking to him and even if that's what he deserves he don't want that. he's grown attached to the boy and it'll hurt him if he stops talking to him.

funny how i say it'll hurt me if he leaves when that's all i did to people... hurt them and leave. i deserve it if he leaves me.

"you okay?" seokjin heard and looked up to see namjoon walking over to him. he smiled and nodded. the boy smiled back as he hugged him. this is what I'm talking about... i don't want to lose this. "you wanna cuddle with me?"

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