𝗪𝗶𝘀𝗱𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗵💿

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a/n- family vacation part 2 will be out maybe later tonight if not then tomorrow :) enjoy besties❤️







Y/n POV-

Today was the day of vinnies wisdom teeth removal, it was 12 in the afternoon and the appointment was at 12:30 I was trying to get vinnie dressed and ready for it but he refused.

"Vinnie come on u have to get changed for ur appointment" "No. I don't wanna get my wisdom teeth removeddddd" "vin u have to." "But... I want cuddles rn." "How about this I'll give u cuddles after u get ur wisdom teeth removed alr?" "Ok fine."

He finally gives in and goes to get changed for the appointment, he wears grey sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Ok u ready?" "Ya but I scared" "what's there to be scared of? There just removing ur wisdom teeth" "but it's gonna hurt" "Ik baby come on u will be fine" I get him into the car as I start it and start driving to the dentist.

-at the dentist-

I walk in with vinnie as he sits in one of the chairs as I go up to the person and they say "Hello, how may I help you?" "Hi I'm here for an appointment for Vincent hacker" "r u y/n y/l/n?" "Yes." "Ok go sit in the waiting room and we will call him back when he's ready okay?" "Ok thank you"

I go and sit next to vinnie, there was a few other people there also. "Y/n I'm scared" "vin ur fine ima be with you the whole time okay?" "Ok.." he squeezes my hand as I go on my phone for a bit till someone calls us back.

"Vincent hacker, we are ready for you" "Come on" we get up as we follow the lady to the room as she has vinnie sitting in the chair.

"Ok this is just going to be a easy removal, you will have to step out the room for a bit till he is done then we will call you back in ok?" "Ok" vinnie looks up at me with a worried face as I say "you will be fine v" I lightly peck his lips as I walk out the room.

-after the removal-

"You may come back in y/n" I walk in as I see vinnie lightly sleeping with his bloody mouth. "Ok so make sure he doesn't eat anything hard for the following 1-2 weeks, he can eat soft foods like ice cream, slushees but no straw, he can drink soft liquids so not thick smoothies or milkshakes uhm.. no popcorn, candy, chips, for pasta he can eat" I nod my head as she walks out the room and shuts the door.

"Hi v I'm here" he looks at me as I sit down in a chair next to him holding his hand. After 10min the dentist comes back in and gives me paperwork and what to eat and what not to eat. "Thank you" "your welcome you guys have a great day" "you too" I get up as I grab vinnies hand and slowly get him off the chair as I say "come on v let's go home" I open the door as he walks in front of me and I lead him to the front door.

I get in the car as v buckles his seat belt, "y/n it hurts.." he says holding his mouth "Ik v it's okay only will be sore for a few weeks okay?" I run my fingers through his hair as he nods and gets his phone out.

I start the car and pull out the driveway as v says "I want cuddles now" "v I said when we get home we're not home." "Kiss me then" I look at him as I stop at the red light and say "hell no v ur lips r crusty and bloody" his face changes to sad as he goes on TikTok and goes live.

"V really ur going live?" "Ya and what about it" I laugh a bit as I continue driving home "hey guys I just got my wisdom teeth removed and it hurts" he starts reading the comments on the live. (A/n- Also keep in mind the viewers can also see you bc he put his phone up on the dashboard bc there's a stand there to put ur phone)

He reads off of one comment "how's y/n in bed" my eyes widened as v says "oh she is amazing" I quickly cover his mouth as I say "what the hell v" "what?" "Knock it off." I move my hand as I pull into the development where our house is as v says "sorry she doesn't like talking about our sex life" "ya I really don't so can u not?" I say with an attitude "sorry chill anyway next question" I pull into the driveway and turn the car off as v says "y/n u wanna answer the next question" "uhm sure" I look at the comments as I read one "what's ur zodiac signs?" "Good question I'm a Taurus and v is a cancer" I smile as I get out the car and v does the same.

I walk into the house as vinnie says "can we cuddle now please" "yes we can" he ends the live and says bye as I take my shoes off and vinnie does the same as I lay on the couch and vinnie lays with me.

"I love you v" I kiss his forehead lightly

"I love you too"




A/n- teehee I thought that was cute :) not good but cute


951 words

𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀💿Where stories live. Discover now