𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗲 𝗯𝘂𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘀?💿

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a/n- enjoy besties❤️


3 or more part series


y/n pov:

My first day in a college dorm along with that my first day in nyc, I always grew up in Texas so this is my first time ever in nyc.

I picked nyc because tons of my friends picked here and they got in so easily so I gave it a try and luckily I was super greatful I got in.

My parents took the trip with me to help unpack all my stuff and get me situated in my dorm room.

I was told I was sharing a dorm apartment with 3 other people so I'm excited to meet them.


"Ty guys so much for helping me unpack"

I say hugging my parents as they were about to head out to get food.

"Aww Yw hunny text us if u need anything"

"Will do bye guys"


I shut the door behind me going into my room to unpack.

The room is so bland just like every college dorm.

not comfortable bed with space underneath, night stand next to it, desk infront of the bed with the closet and bathroom next to it.

I'm definitely gonna have to get some decorations and a new mattress.


It's been a few hours since I been in my dorm and I already made my bed and put some cute Polaroid photos on the wall, I made sure everything was cleaned well and I set my desk up.

Knock knock

I stop what im doing as I go to the door of the bedroom and open it.

She was a blonde hair girl with brown eyes, also she had some freckles here and there with clear glasses.

"Omg hiii!!"

I say smiling hugging her as she hugs me back.

"hey! U are?"

"Y/n and u?"

"Riley, omg im so glad we sharing a dorm room together!"


She sets her bags down as she hugs me again.

"wait where r u from?"


"No way I visited Florida once, im from Texas"

"ooo a texas gal in nyc"

"ya I never been to nyc before and all of my friends applied here and got in so I said why not and I got in"

"Aww well first of all I can tell were gonna be best friends and second I'm so happy for you"

"Ty and yessss I can see it"

We giggle as I start to put my clothes away.

"blah disgusting dorm rooms I hate them"

"Tell me about it, I sat on the mattress and not even a second I felt uncomfortable"

"girl I'm with u on that, is this thing made of fucking rock?"

I laugh as she starts cleaning her nightstand and everything basically the same thing I did.


1 hour later and me and Riley been talking in the living room about who the other 2 roommates could be.

"Ooo what if it's a guy"

"wait I thought dorm rooms are like separated from the guys and girls"

Riley shakes her head no.

"Oh really? Then ya I wonder if there will be a guy"



Me and Riley heads shoot up as we hear a man voice coming from the front door.

"is anyone here?"

"Oh we're in the living room"

I say smiling as a tall, brown/blondish boy walks in.

"Oh hey I'm vinnie"

Oh shit he's hot.

Me and Riley look at eachother and back at vinnie as he stands there awkwardly.


"Ok wait vinnie tell me where ur from again?"

"Los Angeles, California"

"Wow that's like so far from nyc"

"Ya it took so long to get here"

"Well I'm glad u made it here safe"

I say smiling as Riley nudges me.

"what ri?"

"excuse us for one min pls vin"

she gets up as she pulls my arm to our room.

"oh. my. god. Girl if u don't make ur first move then I will"

"What are u talking about?"

"Uhm duh vinnie! U guys been talking none stop as I was talking to Jordan!"

Jordan, we met him few minutes after vinnie came in hes our other and last roommate, pretty chill he's from Texas like me so I thought we would get a along great but I guess I'm hitting it off good with vin.

"nah I don't have a chance like look at me do I seem his type?"

"Shut up yes u do like deadass yes u fucking do"


"No go out there and talk about L.A and u talk about Texas"

She pushes me out the door as vin and Jordan look at me.

I sit back down as I continue the convo with vinnie.

"U guys okay?"

"Ya were good"

"Alr anyway back to what I was saying, L.A it's a amazing place there's ton of famous people u can meet its like u have to go there to experience ur self"

"I actually have been there I forgot to tell u and I got a few pictures of it to I'll show u later but it's beautiful out there"

"It really is"

I say blushing as I look down trying to hide it.

Maybe Riley was right, I might be vinnies type.

I'm definitely gonna have to talk to him more often so we can get to know eachother better..




𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀💿Where stories live. Discover now