"𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴" 💿

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a/n- enjoy besties❤️




y/n pov:

"Addi I'm not going"

"Yes u are, look I found the perfect dress for you, try it on"


I grab the dress from her hand and go into the fitting room.


I slip on this short tight red dress.

I walk out the fitting room and addi stands there admiring my outfit.

"oh my god thats definitely the one we're getting it"

"idk addi it's kinda tight on me"

"That's the whole idea of the dress"

I go back into the room and change into my outfit I was in before and put the dress back on the hanger.


I pay for it and we leave the mall.

"Ok I have the perfect shoes for you also"

Addi says as we walk into her house.

"Show me"

I follow her up to her room and she opens her closet showing me short red heels.

"there gonna match ur dress perfectly"

"Thank you, what are u wearing?"

"Same thing as u but in black"


"Alr the party is at 7 so u go home get a shower, put ur dress on then come back to my house and I will do ur makeup and hair sounds good?"

"Kk bye addi!"


-time skip to when u go to addi house for the hair and makeup-

"Stop u look so adorable in the dress"

"Tysm! I love ur dress also"

I say walking in as we go upstairs to her room.

I sit down at her desk as addi does my makeup and hair.

-20min later-

"Ok and done"

I turn around to face the mirror.

"shit addi this looks amazing!"

"You like?"

"Omg I love!"

"Hehe alr grab ur wallet and phone it's almost 7 we gotta go"


We grab our stuff and we head out to her car and drive to the party.

-at the party-

I get out the car and we both walk up to the door.

Addi knocks on the door to reveal some rando.

We walk in and we go separate ways.

"I'll be over here text me if u need to me"

"Ok cya Addi"

I spot Nailea and larray so I walk over to them and say hi.


"y/n! Hii"

"Hey nai!"

"I love ur outfit"

"Ty I love both of u guys outfit too!"



We have a conversation for a few minutes till I look around and lock eyes with this tall, curly fluffy brown/blondish hair boy.

"who is that?"

I say pointing to him.

"Oh that's vinnie, vinnie hacker"

"I'll be right back"


I walk over to where vinnie is and say hi



"caught u staring at me did u need something?"

"Oh no just wanted to say hi"

"Well I'm vinnie what's ur name?"


"Y/n sounds familiar"


Me and vinnie talk for a hour or 2.

"So have u been to any other parties before?"

"Nah parties aren't my thing normally but my best friend Addi made me come with her to this one"

"Well Addi seems like a very good friend"

"Ya she is"

We continue talking as I check my phone to see it was 9.

I sigh and look back up at vinnie.

"I have to get going, need to go find Addi I have no idea where she is, it was nice talking to you vinnie"

"Oh ok, it was nice talking to you too y/n, one last question tho"


"Can I get ur number?"


I say smiling giving vinnie my phone as he puts his number in.


I take my phone back putting it in my wallet.

"Ty I'll give u a call later"

"Looking forward to it"

He says smiling as I get off the chair I was sitting on.

"Bye vinnie"

"Bye y/n"


u found Addi and u both left.

When u got home u changed into comfy clothes and it was now around 10 so u assumed vinnie was still up so u gave him a call.

Luckily he was and u both talked the whole night.

𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀💿Where stories live. Discover now