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a/n- hiii I made this story last night and decided to post it today since I already made like 4 stories yesterday 😃Also besties if ur not new to my account and already read the introduction I updated and added some more words if u want to go look at that u can :)
Also the photo bye😃✋ anyway enjoy besties :)❤️





Liv's pov-

It was a normal school day I was walking up to my friends as I hear them talking about something.

"No but seriously we should all actually do that!" Lauren says.

"Hey guys whats going on?" I said putting my phone in my back pocket. "Hey liv! We were planning on skipping homeroom and going to get pregnancy test and take them and see what we all get." "Fun I'm down!" I say smiling.

Once we all got our pregnancy test we went back to school and went into the school bathrooms.

I mean I shouldn't really be pregnant right? heh..I was overthinking about how I could actually be pregnant especially when I had sex with Jackson last week and my stomach has been feeling weird since.

We all finished as i look at my pregnancy test and it was waiting.

"Negative" Lauren says

"Mhm same" Jess says

"Yup" Alexa says

"How about u liv?" Lauren asked me since I been quiet overthinking my thoughts.

"Doesn't say yet" I say as I was still standing in the bathroom stall.

I look back again after a few minutes.


"Fuck" I whisper to myself as I leave the stall and they say "well?"

I show them the test as all their mouths drop.

"Holy shit liv" Alexa says covering her mouth.

"How u gonna tell ur parents?" Lexi says

"I don't know there probably gonna hate me why the fuck did I have sex with Jackson last week I feel so stupid god damn it."

"Hey hey it's okay I'll drop u off at ur house cmon" Lauren says comforting me as she rubs my back.

"Ty Lauren.." Me and Lauren say bye to our friends as we walk down the hallway to the doors.

"My dad gonna fucking kill me" I say looking down and walking.

"Stop it no he won't I'm sure they will support you." She says smiling as she drives me home to my house.

-at home-

We arrived at my house as I put the test in my backpack and take a deep breaths.

"I'm scared" I say as Lauren gets out her car coming towards me. "You will be fine.. do u want me to come in with you?" "No I think I got it thx for the ride.." "anytime" as she was about to leave i say "hey Lauren.."

"Ya liv?" "What do I say when I walk in.." "just say hey guys I need to talk to u about something important and I really hope u don't get super upset with me but.. then u show them the pregnancy test." "Ok ty bye ily" "ily too liv" she drives away as I turn back around and walk up the door.

I walk into the house as i see no one downstairs which is good.

I take another deep breath as I shut the door and put my backpack down on the floor and take my shoes off.

I see my mom coming down stairs as she says "hey sweetie why home so early?" "Hi mom uhm.. I got a little headache and Lauren drove me home" "oh alr".

"Can I actually talk to u and dad for a min please?" I say before my mom goes back upstairs. "Ya ofc lemme go get ur father" "Ok.." I go into my backpack as I pull out the test and stare at it for a few seconds.


Y/n POV-

I go upstairs to me and vinnies shared room as I open the door and say "hey v can u come downstairs rq?" "Ya ofc I'll be right down" he says getting off the bed as I go back downstairs to see my daughter liv sitting on the couch.

"He will be right down" I say as liv nods her head.

I see vinnie coming downstairs as he says "what's up?" "Liv wanted to tell us something" "ok.. what is it?" Me and vinnie sit down as liv gets up and says.

"Mom.. dad I have something important to tell you and I am hoping you won't get super upset with me but uhm.." She hands me the pregnancy test as my mouth falls open.

"What the fuck give me that" vinnie says furious.

I see liv smile fade away as I start to tear up a bit. "Liv how did this happen? R u keeping it?" "Fuck no she isn't keeping it!" Vinnie yells handing me back the test.

"Vinnie calm down please.." I try to calm vin down as liv says "I-I had sex with Jackson last week and idk if I'm keeping it." She says looking down.

"YOU HAD WHAT?" Vin says getting up.

"Liv.. it's okay if u don't know if u want to keep it or not u have plenty of time to figure that out why don't u go up to ur room while me and ur dad talk" she nods as she runs upstairs.

"Vinnie can u please calm down for me?" I say trying to relax him.

"I fucking knew this would happen. She would go and have sex without telling us and get pregnant and now tells us."

"Vin first u need to calm down then we can talk okay?" He finally calms down and sits back down as I say "Vinnie, Ik she didn't tell us about that but that's not the biggest problem right now.. our daughter is pregnant and it's up to her rn to choose if she wants to keep it or not. Do u get what I'm saying?" I say in a soft tone.

"Yes babe I do get what ur saying but she is 17 and pregnant do u see the problem there?" "Vin I really don't. I was 19 when I had her so I don't v and u know that." "Ya I do.." he sighs.

"I have to apologize for getting upset I guess.." "I'll let u go do that.." he then gets up as he goes to apologize to liv.




A/n- I thought this would be a short story -.- I was wrong also! Creds to the person that did this first I was trying not make it exactly like theirs 😶. No part 2 for yall u guys can suffer :)

Jkjk i will make a part two if I figure out what else ima add to it.




1102 words

𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀💿Where stories live. Discover now