𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸💿

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a/n- 4 stories in one day damn I'm on a roll 😃 watch me have no idea what to do tomorrow for a story and end up doing a Instagram story thing I made like 5 already I think😂 anyway enjoy besties❤️
Also when I say apartment imagine dixies apartment if u know what that looks like if not search up nice L.A. apartments and pick one of those to imagine :)





Vinnies pov-

Y/n has been pranking me so much lately and it's time to get her back for all those pranks. I feel so bad I'm doing this but it has to be done, she really thinks she can prank me and get away with it but not this time.

I call some of my friends over to our apartment we live at for a prank I decided on doing.

-20min later-

After a few min I was waiting for thomas and all them to get here, our apartment isn't that far from the hype house but it does take a while to get here bc of L.A. traffic.

I on my phone texting y/n when she will be coming home from the mall with her friends, she said around 1 and it was 12 so I had a bit of time to get everything set up.

I heard a knock on the door as I go to open it and see thomas, Alex, Michael and jett.

"Wassup guys how r u?" They all say good as I take them into the living room and explain the prank.

-after explaining the prank and setting up the cameras- I didn't feel like adding all this lol

"Ok it's now 1 so she should be home real soon everyone go hide" i go into the bedroom as I have Jett be the girl (ofc 😙 we stan Jett my second fav person)


Y/n POV-

I was out with my friends the whole day and I missed vin the most. I was so excited to get home so I can show him everything I got from the mall. I was dropped off at the apartment complex and I walked up the stairs to the apartment.

I unlocked the door and closed it behind me as I took my shoes off.

"Vinnie? U home!" i say walking through the hallway to our bedroom.

"Why the fuck is this door closed" I say opening it and seeing vinnie kissing another girl.

I dropped my bags on the floor as I just stand there and stare at them and say "What the actual fuck is going on?" I say as vinnie looks at me.

"Shit." Vin says as I walk out the door and I slam it shut, i grab my car keys and slam the apartment door shut.


Vinnies pov-

"Fuck" I say getting off the bed as Jett says "dude u totally fucked up big time." "I know" I say running my hand through my hair frustrated.

I look up to see Thomas,Michael and Alex coming in and saying "what the hell happened?" "She fucking walked out I have to go after her cmon"

We get in the car as Thomas starts it and says "does she have her location on?" "I don't fucking know maybe" I whip out my phone as I see she does. "ya she at her friends house lemme drive" "alr" me and Thomas switch places as I start driving to her friends house.


Y/n POV-

I quickly leave the apartment complex as I start my car and go to my friend gabbys house.

Once I arrived I parked my car in her driveway and knocked on the door.

"Hey y/n what's up?" "Hey I need to talk to you please" I say almost about to break down.

"Ya ya ofc come in" I walk in as she takes me to the living room and I sit down.

"What's wrong?" "I-I caught v-vinnie kissing another girl.." "HE DID WHAT?" She says standing up. "Y-ya.." "oh fuck no does the bitch still live with you? We going there" "gabby it's fine.. I'm sure he will apologize.." gabby was always that type of friend who is comforting some times but if u get ur heart broken her mood turns into a ima kill the bitch who hurt you mood but still cares.

"Girl- u don't need him in ur life anymore fuck vinnie i dont even know him anymore" "gabby please it's okay" I say looking up at her.

I then hear a knock on the door as I look over and gabby says "istg if that's him im fucking knocking him the fuck out." she opens the door and surprise it was vinnie.

"Listen up bitch, I don't care who the fuck u are "vinnie" or whatever u hurt my bsf feelings and now she is literally crying bc of what u did" "gabby I'm so sorry.. can I please talk to y/n".

I get up from the couch as I go behind gabby and vin looks at me and says "hey y/n can we please talk I made a mistake" "damn right you did" gabby says.

"Gabby can u give us a min alone" "Ofc" she says as she gives vinnie a dead stare walking away to the kitchen as I step outside and close the door.

"Look y/n it was a prank and I'm sorry I did it I shouldn't have and I regret it so fucking much is there anyway u can forgive me please?"

"why the hell would u pick cheating as a prank for one of ur yt videos vinnie u really hurt my feelings and I was so close to breaking up with you." I say wiping my tears.

"I was stupid okay? I didn't know what other prank to do and this one came to my mind and I really didn't mean to hurt ur feelings I love u so much I would never try to hurt u in that way again.."

"Who the fuck was the girl?" "Funny story uhm.. that was Jett" "JETT? omfg u really had me thinking it was a girl" "I'm sorry babe I really am so do u forgive me?" "Fine I guess I do" vinnie then pulls me into a hug as he pecks my lips.

"I love you"

"I love you too v"


a/n- this wasn't good and me being stupid actually thought it would be good -.- ima bout to just post short stories bc those turn out good😃




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𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀💿Where stories live. Discover now