𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄💿

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a/n- enjoy besties❤️


696 words


y/n pov:

Dixie has invited me and vinnie for a Early late night show, I seen all of her videos starting from when she used to film at her house till now.

I was super excited when Dixie texted me and asked if we wanted to be one the show and ofc I said yes.

me and vinnie were driving to her studio where they film it, it wasn't far from the hype house but it L.A. traffic made it longer.


We made in inside and I was greeted by dixies parents, charli and Dixie herself.

"Dixie!! Tysm for inviting us here"

I say hugging her.

"I'm so glad you guys can make it!"


"Hi vinnie ty for coming!"

"Hi Dixie ty for inviting us"

"Your welcome"

Dixie shows us around the studio and where they are filming.

"Do u guys wanna start?"

"ya we're ready"

I say sitting down in the pink chair as vinnie sits in the other.

"Ok for this video I'm just gonna ask you guys some questions alright?"

We both nod and Dixie starts her intro.

"Hello everyone it's Dixie damelio and welcome back to another early late night show! Today we have vinnie and y/n"


I say waving as vinnie does the same.

"Now u guys been together for how long?"

"7 months"

Vinnie says looking at me smiling.

"Wow well let's get into the questions you guys ready?"


I say as vinnie nods.

"Ok first question, how did u guys meet?"

I look over at vinnie and give him the 'u wanna answer it?' look

"that's a great question so we met at a skatepark, may seem weird Ik but I was skating with my friends till i saw her skating and she was like really good so I introduced myself and we started to hangout more often and here we are now"

"Cute cute, y/n this question is for you, do u get jealous when u see vinnie taking pictures of fans that are girls?"

"uhm not really, fans are fans and if they want pictures I allow it I don't get jealous that often"

"Mhm ya same when I see noah taking pictures of fans that are girls sometimes they would ask me for one which I don't mind"


"Alr next question, vinnie whats y/n favorite food?"

"oh shit wait that's hard she eats a lot of different foods"

He says scratching the back of his head.


"Y/n is he right?"

"Nope i don't have a favorite food"

"I knew it I should of just said that"

Me and Dixie laugh as she goes onto the next question.

"Alright so I know u guys met a lot of famous people, whats one person u met that is the nicest."

"uhm I would say all, out of all the people I have met so far since I been in L.A I would say there all so sweet and so nice"

I say smiling as I look over at vinnie waiting for his answer.

"I would say the same thing, including fans I met tons of those and there all nice"

"Okay okay, next question"

After we answer her question she moves onto 5 more questions.

"Thank you guys so much for watching the Dixie damelio early late night show, thank you so much y/n and vinnie for coming and being amazing guests!"

"Your welcome"

We both say smiling.

"Love you all bye!!"

Me and vinnie got up and Dixie took us to the wall where everyone got to sign there names.

I grabbed a pink spray paint and did my name as vinnie grabbed black and did his name.

"Aw I love it! Ty guys for coming"

"Yw! Bye Dixie"

"Bye guys"

Me and vinnie leave the studio and walk to car.


We were in the car on the way home talking about the show.

"That was fun right babe?"

"Ya I had fun ty for coming along"


He rest his hand on my thigh as he drives home.


this was trashy but I liked it at the same time

𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀💿Where stories live. Discover now