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A/n- enjoy besties❤️




y/n pov:

"Then maybe we should break up"


"I'm sorry y/n but ur just gonna have to stop loving me"

"what do u mean.. I can't stop loving you.. t-thats impossible"

"No it's not, I did"

He walks out the room and shuts the door behind him.

"I did"

Those words keep repeating in my head over and over.

"I did"

"I did"

"I did.."

I slowly move down my wall, my head falls down to my knees as I hold my legs with my arms and sob for what feels like forever.

I lost my only true love, my person I only cared about, I- I did everything for him, and he leaves just like that.

"what did I do that he doesn't love me?" "Did I do something wrong in the relationship?"

I keep repeating those sentences in my head over and over.

After a hour I pull myself together and grab my phone and walk out the door to my best friends house.

Carly, she was the only friend that I have that will help me through a break up or if something happens in my life and i need to talk to her.

I arrive at her house and knock on the door wiping my tears.

"Hey y/n- omg what happened?"

I start to cry again holding my arms out as she brings me into a hug.

"y/n whats wrong talk to me"

We walk into the house as she shuts and locks the door.

"he's gone.."

"who's gone"

"v-vinnie.. h-he broke up with me"

"y/n.. I'm so sorry, I'm always here for you, I'm never leaving ur side"

she brings me over to the living room as we sit on the couch.

I wipe my tears and begin to talk.

"he told me he doesn't love me anymore"


"and then I started to rethink if I ever did something wrong in the relationship.."

"hun you did nothing I mean absolutely nothing wrong in the relationship, he's the one that did something wrong"

I sniffle as Carly gets up and grabs ice cream and spoons.

"Here" she says handing me a spoon.

"thank you"

"Don't mention it"

She puts her arm over my shoulder and brings me closer to her.

"I loved him.. but he didn't love me"

"Ik Ik it's okay"


*2 months later*


a/n- ok I'm doing a part 2 for this :)





419 words

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