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Celebi was summoned by the Time Flute and managed to purify all the Shadow Pokémon and they each went back to their normal lives.

Pyro and Sparky were both safely reunited with Rainer and went back home to their own village. Natsuko was also back to normal and wouldn't stop apologizing to Faith and the other Eeveeville residents for all the trouble he caused. The three power Eevees were safely returned back home to Jet and Kenna. Faith decided that it would be best if the three Eevees would move on to help other Eevee territories from the Dark One when they grew older in a few years. Kenna and Jet were unsure at first but then decided it would be for the best.

For now, peace was finally around the Eevee territories at last as the Dark One was finally defeated. Faith hoped he would not come back to cause havoc on everyone again but she still felt that her hopes were too far fetched and would probably not happen as she knew he would come back again one day. Zeka went back home to check on her family to see if they were alright. She wished that one day she would meet Faith the Eevee again. Perhaps she would when the time was right.

As for Autumn, she stayed at Eeveeville since she had no where else to go. She wasn't the only new member of the Village as a random Espeon, Umbreon and Glaceon came to them. They mentioned that they came from a village that was different from an Eevee village. It was a village full of Pikachu. They decided it was time they would move on to a village of their own kind and Eeveeville was the first one they saw. Faith warmly welcomed all three of them to her village and she let them wave goodbye to their female Pikachu friend.

Now, years after the Shadow Pokémon War, Prism was in the spirit world with the Eeveelution spirits Nova, Biff, Neville, Sakura, Darklight, Petunia, Weston and Lydia with Clairvoya as well. It was then that the prism around Prism's neck started to glow and hum. Prism closed her eyes.

"There are others. Other Eevee beings gifted with the power. They are from another universe different from our own. But when they come to our world, they take the form of normal Pokémon. The form of an Eevee with special abilities. With Evo-Switch!

Two brothers from another universe are gifted the power when they come to our universe. Together they must team up with the master and defeat the Dark One once again but this time he will have his own help. He will team up with evil from the other  world and together they will create havoc in our world. Green will soon betray Red and take the form of darkness and together Red and Yellow must return Green back to the path of light and together defeat the darkness and shadows.

It is time for Super Faith. This is when Super Mario Eevee Bros. crossover with Faith the Eevee will finally be worked on. This part also had a reference to the Light in the Dark series on my other account. It may be a bit of a spoiler for the series but if you read those books then you would probably get a pretty big hint of who the Espeon and Umbreon would be for sure. I don't think you know who the Glaceon is at the time of this chapter being published though. But this would link the Faith the Eevee books to Lightning's origins in a way.

As you can see, Super Faith takes place years after this story. Because Lightning does go through a lot of events before Super Faith. One of the big things was that she joined the Squad (at 15) and has been in it for around 3-4 years. Super Faith happens when she is 18, almost 19.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this story. Super Faith will come out sometime on the 4th of July. Not much longer of a wait since it technically is already July 4th now.

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now