Chapter 9

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The three Eevees followed Faith and Zeka to the old Eevee Village location where Faith first met the spirits. The Eeveelutions spirits were there waiting for them.

"Welcome children!" Biff, Neville, Nova, Clairvoya, Sakura, Darklight, Petunia, Weston and Lydia said in unison.

The three Eevees cocked their heads in confusion. "Who are you guys?" Justice asked.

"Oh. I don't think Faith has told you about us. I'm Petunia." Petunia The Leafeon stepped forward.

"I'm Weston." Weston the Glaceon introduced.

"I'm Darklight." Darklight the Umbreon who was laying on the ground told the Eevees.

"I am the almighty Biff." Biff the Jolteon replied, puffing out his chest.

Neville The Vaporeon rolled his eyes but gave the children a small smile. "I am Neville."

"I'm Nova" Nova the Flareon said.

"It's nice to meet you, Darlings. My name is Lydia. It's nice to meet your acquaintance."

"I'm Sakura." Sakura the Espeon told them.

"And I'm Clairvoya. I was your leader before Faith-"

"Until my brother came in and poisoned her like he did to our mother, Mystic." Darklight stood up and walked towards the children.

"Oh..." they replied sullenly.

"That sounds awful..." Justice said.

"But... What happened to your father?" Charity asked.

"My father? I-I don't know. Mystic told me that she found us abandoned in the forest. That means we don't know who our true mother and father was." Darklight answered.

"But I've heard from the elders that Mystic had a mate named Orfeo." Faith replied.

"Orfeo? I don't remember anyone who went by the name Orfeo."

"That's strange..."

"It's not really strange. It's just when you are a spirit, you don't remember much. It's very rare for a soul to remember what events had happened during their past life." Sakura said.


"Shall we begin the lesson, Ms. Faith?" Clairvoya asked.

"Oh, of course." Faith answered. "Let's get started."

"What's our first lesson?" Justice asked Faith.

"Today we are going to teach you what to watch out for when you are using your ability." Faith answered.

"What would that be?" Charity asked.

"The seven sins." Sakura answered.

"The seven sins? What are they?" Justice asked.

"The seven sins are Wrath, Envy, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Lust and Pride." Faith responded to the Eevees.

"Oh. Well we'll ready to learn about them." Destiny replied.

"That's great." Faith replied to them with a big smile.

"Well then let's get started." All The Eeveelution Spirits said.

That's the end of Chapter 9. Hope you enjoyed. More coming soon...

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now