Chapter 2

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The young Eevees were laying beside each other in the Nursery Den with their parents. Faith sat next to them with a smile on her face. "One day these Eevees will be strong enough to protect the village too. I know it..." she thought to herself.

She was knocked back to reality when she saw Natsuko and Mist walk into the den with the berry bowls.

"Ah... You've gathered a lot of berries you two. Good job." Faith complimented them. "This will surely last us a long time."

"Thanks Faith." Mist said.

"Where do we put these?" Asked Natsuko.

"Just leave them here for now." Faith answered.

"Yes ma'am." Natsuko and Mist nodded. They set the bowls down before leaving the Nursery Den.

The three Eevees stood up and looked in the bowls. "Go ahead and eat" Kenna told them.

"Okay Mama..." the Eevees replied. The  young Eevee trio each picked a berry from the bowls and began to eat.

After they finished eating their berries, the Eevees were now energized and wanted to play.

"Mama, can we play outside?" They asked.

"I'm sorry, my little fluffs, you can't. It's too dangerous to go outside. You're too young." Kenna answered.

"Don't worry, Kenna, I'll watch over them. They need their exercise. I promise I won't let anything happen to them." Faith told her.

"Oh alright then... Go on, little ones, go with Faith. Just be good. Show your leader you are well behaved."

"We will Mama" the Eevees said in unison. They followed Faith out of the den to play.

They decided to play Chase with each other. Faith watched the three Eevees play their game and hopefully not get themselves into trouble. The Eevees even tried to get Faith to play with them but she refused. She didn't want to hurt them. They were very young after all.

The Eeveelution spirits appeared beside Faith to watch. Even Clairvoya was there to watch them play. "It reminds me of when you were young Faith." Clairvoya said.

"Yeah, but I'm 10 now and I also have a big job to do. Protect the village from danger." Faith replied. "I'm the leader after all, so I must act like a leader."

"True, but you're never too busy to have a little fun." Biff added.

"You might be right..."

Clairvoya and Sakura turned to look at the Eevees. Suddenly their gems began to glow. Faith noticed. "What is it?" She asked, once the gems stopped glowing.

Sakura and Clairvoya faced each other and back to Faith. "These three Eevees... We had a vision about them. They may have The Power too." Clairvoya answered.

"What? But I thought I was the only one with Evo-Switch. How can these young Pokémon have it. I was given the power. I didn't know you could be born with it." Faith said.

Clairvoya turned to face Faith. "It's quite a surprise to us as well. It's extraordinary.... It's... It's..."

"Unbelievable..." Sakura replied. "I think you have an even bigger task to fulfill Faith. I think you must become their teacher."

"Their teacher? But we don't exactly know if they can use the power."

"She has a point." Biff told them.

"Then we'll have to see." Clairvoya replied. "We'll see..."

Natsuko stood right outside of a den alone that night. He looked at the full moon in the dark sky. Suddenly, he put a paw on his forehead. He was getting a migraine all of a sudden. He heard dark whispers in his mind. "Bring me those Eevees.... Bring me those Eevees now!!" It ordered. He shook his head.

"No... Maybe I should just get some rest. Maybe I'll feel better in the morning. He turned to walk back into the den.

A Murkrow, perched atop a tree by the den, watched the Leafeon with amusement before flying away.
That's the end of chapter 2. Hope you enjoyed. More coming soon...
sorry this was late I wasn't playing Double Dash this time, I was just busy today. That's why this chapter is a little bit short as well.

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now