Chapter 1

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Faith walked into the Nursery Den to see a Jolteon and Flareon laying beside each other next to three eggs.

"Hello Jet and Kenna. How are the eggs doing?" Faith asked.

"They are doing fine. However, they are not quite ready to hatch yet." The Female Flareon named Kenna answered.

"Oh but they will be ready soon" a Sylveon added. The Sylveon was the trusted nurse of Eeveeville, Usagi. She had a Fletchinder perched on her back. He was her assistant, Spitfire, who helped her out with the eggs in the nursery. He is a big help to her with his ability Flame Body that helps the eggs hatch faster.

"Good morning, Faith the Great" Spitfire chirped. He started to call her that ever since she became leader and showed that she had powers. However, Faith didn't really like the title very much. She doesn't think she is greater than anyone.

"Please don't call me that" she would often say politely, but this time she ignored it and simply responded with a smile, "good morning."

"Spitfire, I think it is time you warm up the eggs again." Usagi told him.

"Oh of course. I'll get right to it." He flew off of Usagi's back and carefully landed in the nest. He wrapped his wings gently around the eggs and his body started to heat up. The inside of the Nursery Den started to heat up as well during the process.

Suddenly after only five minutes, one of the eggs began to shake. The others joined in. Soon, all three of the eggs began to crack and break. Spitfire flew up in the air in surprise and returned to his spot on Usagi's back. The eggs were hatching right in front of Faith. She couldn't believe her eyes.

A white light from the eggs blinded the group. Once their visions returned, they saw three baby Eevees in the same place the eggs once were. All three of the newly born Eevees were female.

"They're adorable!!" Kenna smiled.

"I agree. What are we going to name them?" Jet asked.

"Hm..." Kenna was lost in thought.

"Why don't we let Faith name them?" Jet decided.

"Wh-what?! Me?! I don't know.."

"Please, you'll the new leader. You must name them" Kenna pleaded.

"But you are the parents" Faith replied. "I wouldn't want to name your children. What if you don't like the names I give them?"

"We will cherish their names, no matter what they are" Kenna replied.

"Oh alright." Faith decided. She walked towards the Eevees.

She turned to the first Eevee on the left, who barely had her eyes open

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She turned to the first Eevee on the left, who barely had her eyes open. "I will name the first born Eevee... Justice."

She turned to the second  Eevee in the middle. "I will name the second born... Destiny."

Finally she looked at the third Eevee. The third and smallest-sized Eevee looked back up at her with a smile. "I will name the youngest last born... Charity. Welcome to Eeveeville." Faith touched noses with the three Eevees and she licked each of their foreheads.

"Those are wonderful names Faith... Justice, Destiny and Charity." Kenna smiled.

"Those names are perfect." Jet remarked.

Jet and Kenna touched noses with the three baby Eevees. "Welcome to the world, children. We are sure you will love it here in Eeveeville."

Faith left Jet and Kenna with their new children. She noticed that the berry pile was getting smaller and smaller. They would soon run out of food for the villagers. Faith, as leader, would not tolerate it.

She looked up to see her fellow villagers that were working to keep the village thriving. She walked towards a Leafeon and Glaceon. "Natsuko...Mist..." Faith called. The Leafeon and Glaceon looked up.

"What can we do for you, ma'am" Natsuko said.

"Could you two go into the forest to look for berries. We got three new young villagers who have just been born not to long ago and our food storage has been decreasing. We need as much food as we can get so everyone is well fed." Faith replied.

""Of course, Faith." Mist responded. They waved goodbye to Faith, picked up two wooden bowls and set off into the forest to collect some berries.

Mist stayed close to Natsuko's side as they went deeper into the forest. Natsuko could feel that they were getting close to some berries. He could smell it. Mist and Natsuko continued walking straight ahead until they finally found what they were looking for. A Rawst berry bush and a Sitrus berry bush beside it. Mist decided to pick berries from the Rawst Berry bush as Natsuko picked the Sitrus berries. They continued filling up their bowls as much as they could.

Suddenly, Natsuko caught sight of something black appear beside him. He saw two blood red eyes gazing at him. He stared back at them in terror, but they disappeared. He shook his head. "It was nothing. It's probably just my eyes playing tricks on me." He thought to himself.

He turned around only to see a shadow run pass him. He jumped but kept silent, trying his hardest not to drop the bowl of Sitrus Berries he was carrying in his mouth. He shook his head again to attempt to forget about the shadow. He took one step before he felt a sharp pain in his paw. He raised it up to see if he had been bitten by something but once he saw his paw he was shocked to see a shadowy substance taking over his paw. He dropped the bowl from his mouth and screamed, "AHHHH!! ITS GOT ME!! GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!!"

He suddenly felt a paw tapping him softly on the shoulder. He quickly turned to see Mist. "Are you okay?? You're acting really strange..."

"Oh..." he looked at his paw. There was nothing there. "It- it was nothing. I was probably just hallucinating that's probably what it was."

"Well if you say so. Just stop messing around. Just get your berries and let's get back to the village." Mist told him.

Natsuko obeyed and refilled his bowl with Sitrus Berries then they walked back to the village with their haul of berries.

Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched in the shadows.

That's the end of Chapter 1. I was originally thinking of making the parents A Leafeon and Flareon but I changed it to Jolteon and Flareon for reasons and it's not because we already have a love connection with a Leafeon and Glaceon who are Faith's parents. It's something else.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. More coming soon... So stay tuned for more ^U^

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now