Chapter 13

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As they walked to the old Eevee Village location, Destiny was thinking of her dream last night. Faith noticed her. "What's wrong Destiny?" She asked.

"Um... What do you mean?" Destiny questioned.

"You just seem to be zoning out a bit..." Faith answered.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just thinking about something that's all..." Destiny replied.

"What is it?" Faith asked.

"Well I had this strange dream last night. I was visited by an Eevee with many colored jewels in her scruff. She called herself Prism. It is rather fitting for her when she wore a prism around her neck. She told me that the prism had power. It is where Evo-Switch came from. She warned me that if you break the seven sins, then the power of the prism will get corrupted by darkness and soon the inhabitant as well making them a Shadow Pokémon. That is why the spirits had to take the power away from you when you broke the sins. It was to protect you from becoming like the Dark One."

Sakura sighed. "It is true. The Dark One once had the power but then due to his sins overwhelming him, the power was corrupted creating the Shadow Synergy Stone. The Dark One shares the shards of the stones to create an army for himself. The Shadow Pokémon. We should have told you about that Faith, we apologize but even us spirits can be forgetful."

"It's alright, Sakura. That explains it then. Congratulations Destiny.... You know more about the power than I do... However, you still have to learn how to use it but you are a wise student." Faith said.

"Thanks Faith."

They finally arrived and they all surrounded Faith and Zeka in the middle of the village. "So today's lesson will be all about moves. You may have started this one yesterday but there is still more to learn before you are strong enough to defend our village from the Dark Side." Faith said.

"We will be taking Charity around the forest to look for a Moss Rock and Ice Rock." Petunia told her.

"Alright. Just be careful. You never know what could suddenly lunge at you and attack. Wild Pokémon can be a little crazy over battles especially Shadow Pokémon." Faith warned.

"We know..." Weston replied.

"Don't worry Darling we'll protect her. We'll keep her safe." Lydia responded.

They gave the group one last farewell before going back through the forest.

"Zeka and I will work on helping you guys out but the spirits can do what they need to do for their students." Faith said with a smile.

Lydia, Weston, Petunia And Charity continued walking through the forest, cautious for any wild Pokémon that could surprisingly attack.

Suddenly they spotted a Moss Rock. "At last! We can finally get to training!" Petunia said. "Come on Charity. Let's get to work!"

Charity followed Petunia to the Moss Rock and touched it. She evolved into a Leafeon that looked just like Petunia. "I'm ready!"

"That's great!" Petunia replied. "Now Let's try Razor Leaf first. We're starting off easy for a beginner like you, Charity."

"That's fine by me, Petunia."

"Alright then. In order to use this move, you must swing your head and razor-sharp leaves fly out from the leaf on your head at the opponent. In this case, your opponent will be that tree." Petunia said, pointing to a tree next to Charity.

"Seems easy enough." Charity replied and that's exactly what it was for her. On her first try, she managed to launch several Sharp-edged leaves directly at the tree.

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now