Chapter 15

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Once the group got back to the village, they went straight to their dens to rest. They were completely unaware of the dark intruder hiding behind a tree watching them.

A certain Shadow Leafeon stepped out of his hiding place once the coast was clear of the village night patrol.

He was about to head straight for the Nursery Den where the power Eevees resided but then turned to see the village berry pile and due to his sin Gluttony, he couldn't resist. He rushed straight to the pile and ate all the berries like a hungry Snorlax.

A certain Murkrow swooped down from the sky and used Peck on him.

"Ow!! What was that for, Karasu?!" Natsuko shouted.

"This is not the time for you to fill up with berries!! You have a job to do! The Dark One wouldn't be happy when he hears what you are doing!"

"Curse you, Karasu! I need my energy to do so." Natsuko scoffed.

"Whatever, just shut up and focus before everyone in the village wakes up."

"Alright, Alright..." Natsuko mumbled, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

He walked towards the Nursery Den as Karasu watched him. He spotted the three Eevees sleeping. He grinned. "Now I've got you..."

Suddenly, Destiny opened up her eyes and saw Natsuko and she screamed. "Stranger Danger!!!" Her siblings awoke from her screaming and screamed in terror too.

"Uh oh... not a bunch of loud-mouths..."

Usagi, Jet And Kenna woke up to see the Shadow Leafeon. "Intruder!!!" Jet shouted.

"Don't you dare go anywhere near my children!!!" Kenna growled. She used Ember.

"Aahhhh!! Why does it have to be a Flareon!!" He groaned.

Jet noticed the voice. "Natsuko? Mon, what happened to you?"

"It doesn't matter, I am better than you now and I need those Eevees to please my master so if you could get out of my way then that would be-"

"No! We will never give up our children to you and the Dark One. You are not allowed here anymore if you take orders from him now, traitor!"

"Traitor? Come on Kenna. You are the traitor here not me."

At that moment, Faith walked in to see what all the ruckus was about.

"What in the name of Helix, is going on here?!" She ordered.

"Thank Arceus, you're here Faith. Natsuko has betrayed us and is trying to Pokènap our little Eevees." Jet said.

"Faith the Eevee! Master of Eeveelutions!!" Natsuko growled.

"What? Natsuko, What has gotten into you?" Faith asked him.

Natsuko didn't answer and attacked with Leaf Blade.

Faith used Iron Tail to counter the attack.

Natsuko gritted his teeth and snarled. "Ragamuffin!!!" He slowly approached her giving her a Mean Look. She used Shadow Ball to keep him back.

"Get out of our Village, Natsuko, you are hereby banned from ever stepping into Eeveeville!"

"Oh shut up, kid! You're a nuisance! All you can do to protect the village is using your powers. Without them you are weak!" Natsuko said. "Soon this village will be Shadow Pokémon territory and the Dark Ones throne."

"No it won't. This village will never fall!" Faith replied.

"We'll see about that." Natsuko spat.

Faith took out a Fire Stone and evolved into a Flareon. She used Fire Fang on Natsuko, burning him. He collapsed to the floor, wincing in pain.

"Leave or there will be more where that came from!"

"Us Shadow Pokémon have our own power you know." He slowly got to his paws and used a Tackle Attack while exuding a Shadowy Aura. Faith collapsed to the ground.

"Faith!!" Usagi, Jet, Kenna, Destiny, Charity And Justice yelled in unison.

Natsuko laughed. "How did you like the taste of Shadow Rush?"

"W-What have you become?" Faith asked weakly.

"Stronger!" Natsuko answered with an evil toothy grin.

The three Eevees huddled in a circle. "We have to help Faith." Justice told them. Charity And Destiny nodded.

All three of the Eevees powered up a strong Shadow Ball Attack And fired the large ball at Natsuko. He turned and stared at the ball with wide eyes, he rushed out of the cave trying to run from the attack but tripped on a rock, getting glazed from the large Shadow Ball.

"Are you alright, Faith?" The three Eevees asked. Faith de-evolved back into an Eevee and slowly stood up.

"I'm fine... You did an amazing job. I see we have taught you well." She smiled.

"Thanks Faith. We learn from the best." Justice added.

"Well we should get some rest." Faith told them.

"Okay." The three Eevees replied in unison before laying back into their nest.

"Sweet dreams." Faith told them before leaving the den to go back to her own, not noticing that all the berries were gone.

The next morning, Faith woke up from the sound of arguing. She rubbed her eyes and walked out of the den to see a Flareon fighting with a Leafeon.

"Alright, what did you do with all the food!!" The Flareon growled.

"I didn't eat all of it!"

"Yeah, you did! You Leafeons always eat too much! I have children to feed!" The Flareon started heating up in anger.

"Geez Ashley! Chill out!! Don't blame me for it. It could have been anyone."

Ashley charged a Fire Blast But a Sylveon pushed them back from each other with her feelers. "Alright. Let's all just calm down. We can get more food. It's not a big deal."

"It is if a bunch of Snorlax eat it all!" Ashley growled.

Faith sighed. "What seems to be the trouble now?"

"The Leafeon ate all the berries and didn't share any for anyone else." Ashley replied.

"Let's not blame anyone here and start any arguments. That'll attract predators. We should all remain calm and just get some more."

Ashley sighed. "Fine... Come on Leaf! You're coming with me and you better not eat it all this time."

"But I didn't..." She whined as they walked away.

"Thank goodness, that's over. I thought that argument would last forever. You know how most Flareon are." The Sylveon sighed in relief.

That's the end of Chapter 15. Hope you enjoyed. More will be coming soon. ^U^
Sorry for another long wait for an update but this chapter was longer. I am going to try and finish this book this month though maybe the beginning of next month.

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now