Chapter 4

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"Oh my Arceus!!!" Faith repeated. "What will your parents think when they find out you evolved without their permission. Me... The leader of the village... failing to take care of their Eevees... What am I going to do??? What am I going to do??? This is bad!" Faith mumbled to herself as she paced around the cave. Destiny and Charity looked at each other confused.

"Faith, what's wrong?" Justice asked.

"You evolved that's what's wrong" she panicked. "No Eevee is allowed to evolve this young.... I should have known that as leader... I-I-I'm a terrible leader!!!" She cried.

Suddenly, Clairvoya and the other spirits rushed into the den. "Faith calm down. It's not the end of the world." Clairvoya said.

Faith stopped pacing and turned to the spirits. "But... Justice evolved at a young age... I broke one of Sino's laws." She yelled, not even caring about speaking to the spirits in front of the children.

"Faith... Please stop freaking out... I didn't mean to make you upset... The Thunderstone just called me." Justice whined, ears flat.

Faith turned to Justice and she didn't say another word for a few seconds. She sighed. "I'm sorry Justice... It's not your fault..."

Suddenly at that moment, Justice de-evolved in front of Faith and was an Eevee again. Faith stared at the Eevee with wide eyes in surprise and fainted.

"Faith!!!!" The Eevees and spirits shouted.

"Faith... Faith wake up..." Faith could hear voices calling to her. She woke up to see the spirits, Eevees and Usagi.

"Are you alright?" Usagi asked.

"I-I think so... What happened?" Faith asked.

"I don't know I just came back in from gathering healing items and herbs to see you on the ground. Is everything alright? Do I need to check on you to be sure..."

"Oh, no I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

"Alright then... If you say so... I'll be right back. I'm going to put these items away where the young ones can't get them." Usagi walked off to a small room in the back of the cave as Faith stayed with the Eevees.

She made sure Usagi was gone before she spoke. "How did you do that, Justice?"

"Do what?"

"You de-evolved. I thought I was the only one who can do that."

"Well I don't know, I just did it." Justice replied.

"So... I guess our Future Sight was right. They do have the Power of Evo-Switch." Clairvoya said.

"Yes, but how do we know they all have it?" Sakura asked.

"We'll just have to wait to find out, but if Justice does. I'm sure her siblings do as well." Clairvoya answered.

"What you are saying is that it is possible that other Eevees can have powers too?" Faith asked.

"Maybe. It's quite extraordinary though if neither of the parents  had the power. It must be very rare to see that happen. These kids are very lucky." Sakura answered.

"What if the kids are part of the prophecy?" Clairvoya thought said.

"Wait, that could be it. Which means it is up to Faith to train them. But how could the prophecy be solved this quickly?" Sakura asked.

"I don't know unless there is more to it than we thought." Clairvoya replied.

"Is there another part of the prophecy that we are missing?" Faith asked.

"Perhaps but we will have to wait and see when the time comes." Clairvoya answered.

Suddenly, Kenna and Jet walked back into the den. Faith looked up in alarm.

"Welcome back... How was patrol?" Faith asked them.

"Patrol was good. It felt good getting exercise again rather than being cooped up in the Nursery Den." Kenna answered, stretching out her legs. "Oh, we have some important news though that you must see to immediately."

"It's an Eevee who is not from here who has stepped into our territory. She is in the Graveyard of Lost Heroes." Jet replied.

"I'll go check it out..." Faith then went on her way to the graveyard.

Once she got there, she didn't see an Eevee. Instead she saw a Sylveon who was attacking a swarm of Shadow Pokémon. The Sylveon was repeatedly using Moonblast on the Shadow Pokémon. However there was still too many to handle.

One of the Shadow Pokémon spoke up, "That's it we will kill you by order of our leader." The Shadow Pokémon used their most powerful attacks against the Sylveon. Faith had to step in and help. She evolved into a Sylveon and used Moonblast against the Shadow Pokémon before they had the change to strike their opponent.

The Sylveon turned around to see Faith transform back into an Eevee. The Sylveon looked surprised when she saw her powers.

"Thank you for saving me" The Sylveon said.

"No problem. The name's Faith. I am the leader of Eeveeville. It is nice to meet you." Faith replied.

"I'm Zeka. I've came from far away to assist you in stopping the Dark One." Zeka told her before de-evolving back to an Eevee.

"How many times am I going to see a Pokémon do that today..." Faith thought to herself. "Um... Would you like to come with me to my village? We need more mon like you to help us defeat the Dark One."

"I would love to" Zeka answered with a smile.

That's the end of Chapter 4. More coming soon... Hope you enjoyed.

Zeka is not my character. She belongs to Force14Gaming2004

Welcome to Faith the Eevee

Force14Gaming2004 has written a story about Zeka called Zeka the Special Eevee So once you've finished reading this I would check that story out while you're waiting for the next Faith the Eevee update.

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now