Chapter 6

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Kenna and Jet stared at Charity in complete shock. "S-she evolved!! I-I don't believe this!! I mean I see it but I don't believe it... How?!" Kenna stuttered.

"I don't know, but maybe Faith could know the answer." Jet replied. At that moment, Zeka and Faith approached them.

"What's going on here?" Zeka asked.

Faith turned to see Charity and jumped back in surprise. "You have it too?" She suddenly blurred out.

 "You have it too?" She suddenly blurred out

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Kenna and Jet gave her a questioning look. "What do you mean by that?" Jet asked.

"I....Uh....I.... It's kind of hard to explain.... I-"

"You do need to explain. We want to know what is going on to our daughter..." Kenna said.

"Tell them, Faith. The parents should know..." she could hear Sakura speak to her.

Faith sighed. "Fine... You see-"

Before Faith could explain Charity de-evolved. She shook her head in confusion. "What happened???" She questioned as if she was sent to a new world. Kenna and Jet looked even more surprised.

"Yeah, I think your daughters have Evo-Switch" Faith finished.

"B-but that's impossible. I thought you were the only one who had the power."

"Sorry to interrupt but that is wrong. I also have the power too." Zeka spoke up.

"Wait you have it too?" Jet asked.

"Yup, I can show you..." Zeka answered.

Zeka walked towards the Moss Rock and touched it. She immediately evolved into Leafeon in seconds. "See... I can too."

"That's amazing!!!" Jet replied, with a smile. "With both you and Faith, the Dark One doesn't stand a chance."

Zeka chuckled. "Yeah... Well that's why I'm here. I want to help stop the Dark One's army."

"Well we would really appreciate it, Zeka." Kenna said. "We're so lucky to have you here to aid us in Eeveeville."

"I know this may be out of the blue but if our children really do have the power. Perhaps it would be wise if we let you two train them instead of us. Since you might be the only other Eevees that have the power." Jet added.

"I think Jet is right. Even though it is customary that the parents train their own children, these Eevees need a special teacher that can teach them how to properly use Evo-Switch. What do you say?" Kenna asked.

"We would be delighted." Faith and Zeka replied with determination.

"Yay!! We know you two will be great teachers

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"Yay!! We know you two will be great teachers." Kenna replied joyfully.

That's the end of chapter 6. Hope you enjoyed ^U^ More coming soon...

Sorry this chapter was late and shorter than usual. I'll try to make the next one longer.

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now