Chapter 12

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Natsuko opened his eyes groggily to see he was in a Dark Forest. He woke up to see two blood red eyes staring at him.

"Welcome my new servant. You take orders from me now. I am the Dark One but you may call me Master."

Natsuko bowed. "What may I do for you, Master!"

The Dark One laughed. "Spy on the village. Find their weaknesses and whenever you get the chance... Bring me the three Power Eevees. I could use their powers against the village."

"What about Leader Faith?" Natsuko asked.

"She is a fighter. She will never succumb to me. Annihilate her. Destroy. Kill her. Whatever you do. I want her taken care of. Those children are all I want. They're innocent. They will be easy to trick."

"And Zeka?"

"Who? Zeka? Who in the Distortion World is that?"

"She's another Eevee with Evo-Switch."

"Well then destroy her as well. No one should stand in my way, that village is mine!!" The Dark One growled in hatred.

Natsuko nodded. "As you wish, Master..."

"Good. Now go!! And I expect that you come back with the Eevees. I don't want to see you empty-pawed when you come back!"

"Understood!" Natsuko then left to go back to Eeveeville.

"Karasu! I want you to follow him. Be on the look out from above." The Dark One ordered.

"Of course, Mighty Dark One." Karasu chirped before flying off after Natsuko.

The Dark One chuckled to himself. "It doesn't matter when... It doesn't matter where... Time after time, I will appear..."

"Master Dark One, what should we do?" A Shadow Eevee asked.

"We wait Chara. We attack the village when we are ready." The Dark One answered.

"But we want to fight now!" Another Shadow Eevee groaned.

"Patience, Frisk!!"

"Patience are for weaklings.." Frisk mumbled under his breath as the two disappeared.

Destiny's Dream:

Destiny walked through a path to a small cave. She saw an Eevee standing in a small pond. "Greetings Destiny... I have been waiting for you."

"Who are you?" Destiny asked.

The Eevee turned around to show that she had many different colored jewels in her scruff and wore a crystal prism around her neck. "I am Prism... Do not be alarmed young hero. I was the very first Eevee to have Evo-Switch. I was destined to protect Eeveeville long ago before the Eeveelution Heroes. I was Sino's mate. Alas he died to protect me from the Dark One."

"What do you mean by the first Eevee to have Evo-Switch?" Destiny asked.

"I have found this Prism around my neck in the Lake of Wisdom. It holds great power. I have decided to give the power away to a new hero so they could protect the village. The prism chose Faith. I told Arceus what I wanted to do and Arceus told me that he would do as I wished. He gave the power to the Eeveelution Spirits so they could bestow the gift to Faith. However, when Faith broke the seven sins, the power of the prism inside her became dark. In order to protect the power of the prism, the Eeveelutions has to take the power away from Faith and gave it to a new hero. That hero was Zeka."  Prism explained.

"But what happens if the prism becomes dark?" Destiny asked.

"That is an interesting question. You see... The prism can be corrupted by darkness and soon the inhabitant as well, turning them into a Shadow Pokémon. The Dark One used to be like me. He loved being a Jolteon but as a Jolteon, he had to watch out for the sin Envy. He wanted to be leader of the village and his jealousy of how much praise the leaders had, got the best of him and made him into what he is now... The Dark One!"

"He has the power as well?" Destiny asked.

"He did. The prism thought he was special but it chose wrong."

"But why do we have the power?"

"The prism foresaw that you were all special. Perhaps the power came to you because of it."

"So the prism has a mind of its own."

"You could say that..." Prism replied. "The prism has chosen me to be its guardian. I do what it wants and I sent you here because I wanted to warn you of what the prism shared to me."

"What would that be?" Destiny asked.

"You are in danger. The Dark One is coming." Prism answered. "He wants the village and he won't stop until it is his. He has been attacking other villages to make his army of Shadow Pokémon grow. Soon he will be strong enough to take over yours as well but with the Power you 6 possess, you must stop him."

"We will try our best."

"Be careful!" Prism replied. "The Dark One is not easy to bring down. Now you must go back. You still have lots to learn about the power before you are strong enough to fight. But you must hurry because time is running out. There are four destined to fight the darkness and bring the light back to the village. You three must be taught by the Master of Eeveelutions to learn about the Power. Darkness will take control and the one left is their last hope. When hope fails. All is lost. Only if hope finds help is when it will be stopped until Darkness rises again."

Destiny woke up with a gasp. "What did all of that mean?" She questioned in thoughts.

"Destiny!!" Faith shouted from outside of the cave. "Come on!! We still have lots of work to do. We need to train!!"

"I'm coming!!" She shouted. She quickly got to her paws and met her siblings outside of the den with Faith, Zeka and all of the Eeveelution Spirits.

"It is time for your next lesson..." Faith told the Eevees.

That's the end of Chapter 12. Hope you enjoyed. More coming soon. Sorry for this chapter being a little late but at least it's longer.

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now