Chapter 16

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Natsuko slowly walked back into the Dark Forest and collapsed to the floor, he groaned in defeat. "I have failed..." he sighed. Suddenly, he heard a low raspy growl in the darkness. Blood red eyes glared at him. "Of course you didn't get those three measly Eevees. I should have known you would fail me."

"I sincerely apologize Master but those Eevees are already too strong together."

"And this is why we need them!! You clods don't seem to know how to do anything right. Do I have to do everything myself!!" The Dark One roared.

"N-No... Please, give me another chance. Maybe I just need some backup. I-I promise I'll get those Eevees this time."

"Fine! You have one more chance. Bring Pyro and Sparky from Eeveeland to aid you but you better not disappoint me this time or else!! Karasu will still be watching you."

"Yes Master." Natsuko replied. "Whoever stands in my way from those Power Eevees this time are looking forward to the worst death imaginable by me..." he took a deep breath and walked off, back from whence he came.

Faith paced around in a circle in her den as she was thinking. "I have a feeling that I know who ate all the berries last night. It must have been Natsuko but I can't tell everyone that he is now in the Dark One's side, it may start a panic. What has gotten into him anyways?"

"He has been turned into a Shadow Pokemon by the shards of the Shadow Synergy Stone the Dark One shared." Petunia told her as she sat down and watched Faith.

She stopped pacing and gasped when she realized something. "Didn't Rainer tell me that his brothers were acting a little strange in Eeveeland when he was here?!" She asked herself. "Yeah! I think he did! Pyro and Sparky may have been turned into Shadow Pokémon to help the Dark One as well, just like Natsuko. We've got to do something to stop this."

Suddenly, Faith jumped when she heard a voice from behind her. "Are you talking to yourself?"

Faith turned around to see a Leafeon. "Oh hi Autumn. I-um yeah, I guess I was talking... to myself or more like thinking to myself.... out loud. Um... I-I see you healed from your wounds."

"Yeah. Thanks for helping me by the way. I really appreciate it. Your Healer is quite a talented Pokémon." Autumn complimented, giving Faith a smile.

"It's not a problem at all. We appreciate all that Usagi has done for us." Faith said. "By the way, you are welcome to stay at Eeveeville as long as you like if you have no where else to go."

"Oh! That's a very kind offer. I guess I'll stay here for a while if you insist."

Autumn gave Faith one last smile and turned back to look around the village. Kenna and Jet walked past Autumn and walked towards Faith. The three Eevees following close behind them.

"Faith... We have a small concern about what happened last night. We don't want the Dark One to take our children. We need to give them extra protection." Kenna said.

"I could tell the Night Patrol to watch over the Nursery Den more closely and have a larger amount of villagers in the patrol. That way, we will have higher security and protection." Faith replied.

"That may help..." Kenna sighed.

"I am worried about their safety as well because of the attack last night but they have gotten stronger. Soon they may be able to protect themselves from the Dark One." Faith explained.

"I sure hope so... I have Faith in you. We all do. Just like Clairvoya once said." Kenna replied.

That's the end of Chapter 16. Finally managed to get this updated. Sorry for the long wait. More will be coming soon... Hope you enjoyed.

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now