Chapter 14

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Destiny was training with Sakura, Clairvoya and Darklight when she had a Future Sight all of a sudden about Charity and the Shadow Froslass.

When her gem died down from glowing, she let out a gasp. "Charity is in trouble!!"

"Wait what?! What do you mean she's in trouble?" Faith asked, overhearing her.

"I just had a vision that she was being attacked by a Froslass. We need to do something!!" Destiny answered.

"We'll find her don't worry. Do you know where she is?"  Faith asked.

"She's in this cold snowy area in the forest by an Ice Rock near a cave." Destiny answered.

"I think I know where she may be." Sakura told them. "Follow me..."

Justice, Nova, Biff, Neville, Destiny, Clairvoya, Darklight, Faith and Zeka followed Sakura through the forest to the Land of Ice Types.

They finally made it to see Charity trying to fight the Shadow Froslass But she seemed to be losing.

The Shadow Froslass's body turned light blue and a dark cloud appeared before them. Chunks of ice then ran down at Charity but Faith pushed her out of the way. The Shadow Froslass growled in anger that her Avalanche attack missed.

Faith used her FireStone, she brought with her and evolved into Flareon. The Shadow Froslass gritted her teeth and growled when she saw Faith evolve into the Fire Type Eeveelution. She backed up. Faith used Ember followed by Fire Fang. The Shadow Froslass growled in anger.

"I hate Fire Types!!! Leave this place you filthy fire type. I never want to see you here again. Villain!!!" The Shadow Froslass shouted going back into her cave home.

Faith turned back to Charity. "Are you alright?" She asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks but how did you know that I was in trouble?" Charity questioned.

"Destiny had a Future Sight about it. It seems we made it just in time too." Faith answered.

Destiny And Charity turned to face each other and smiled. Destiny And Charity both de-evolved at the same time as they did.

"We should get back home. I think that's enough training for today. We'll continue tomorrow. Everyone did great today. I'm looking forward to see what you can do next." Zeka said with a smile.

"I agree. We all had a busy day today. I think it is time to go home for some rest." Faith told them. They then began heading home but they didn't know that they were being watched in the shadows.

Sorry for this chapter being so short but I have been getting busy lately so I couldn't get to writing this story much. I hope the next one will be longer though. Hope you enjoyed. More coming soon.

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now