Chapter 7

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That night, Faith and Zeka were conversing to each other about the three Eevees. "So... We know two out of three of them have the power and we're training them but how do we know that Destiny has Evo-Switch too?" Faith asked.

"I don't know but if her siblings do then she must have a part of it as well. We're still not sure what they are capable of doing yet. This is new to the three of them as well as their parents." Zeka answered.

"I have a feeling we will find out soon." Clairvoya replied.

Sakura's gem started glowing. "I have the feeling too."

"Hm... This might be a sign." Clairvoya responded.

In the Nursery Den, the three young Eevees were sleeping. Two of them were sleeping peacefully. Only one was tossing and turning in her sleep. Destiny was muttering in her sleep.

W-where am I?" Destiny asked to no one in particular.

Suddenly, Destiny heard whispers in the darkness around her.

"Hello??? Who are you??"

She heard a dark laugh in the darkness that terrified the poor Eevee.

A black shadowy creature that resembled an Eeveelution with blood red eyes walked towards her.

"Now I've got you!!" He shouted.

Destiny had the feeling that she should run and that's exactly what she did. She ran as fast as she could away from the creature. She heard heavy pawsteps as if the creature was giving chase.

Destiny ran until she was out of the darkness and into the light. She looked up to see a blue sky and the sun shining down on her.

Suddenly, she felt a strange tingling feeling coursing through her body. It wasn't a painful feeling but a rather nice one. She closed her eyes and when she reopened them she saw that her body was now lilac. She felt something on her forehead and her purple paw touched a round object. She expected that it was a gemstone that Espeon's have on their foreheads. She then realized. "I evolved??? Wait a minute, am I dreaming???" She questioned. "This has to be some kind of silly dream, right? It must be?"

As expected, Destiny opened her eyes to see her sisters sleeping beside her. However, she seemed to be larger than them somehow. She looked at her paws to see that they were now purple. "Just like my dream. Was it a dream???" She thought to herself.

She looked outside of the cave to see the sun shining into the cave, warming her fur.

"It's morning already???" She questions in her thoughts.

At that moment, Destiny's gem glowed purple and she foresaw Faith and Zeka walking into the cave and seeing her and that's exactly what happened.

Faith and Zeka stared at Destiny. "Yup, she has the power too."

"What power? What do you mean? I'm so confused..." Destiny asked the Eevees.

"It's called Evo-Switch. You and your siblings have it too. Your parents have allowed us to teach you how to properly use it too." Faith answered.

"You two have Evo-Switch as well?" Destiny asked.

"Yes." Faith and Zeka responded in unison.

"When are you going to teach us how to use it?"

"Tonight. So you best be prepared."

"Okay." She replied, before de-evolving back into her Eevee self. "Wait what happened?"

"That's normal for an Eevee with Evo-Switch. Do not worry about it. We will explain everything tonight." Faith said.

Destiny didn't know what to say at first so she just responded. "Oh..."

"Anyway, we need to go. We have some business to attend to this morning. We will see you soon." Faith and Zeka left Destiny and her siblings alone in the Nursery Den.

Destiny looked down to see her sleeping siblings. "Is this my Destiny?" She asked herself. "Is this our Destiny?"

Sorry for a late update. I am used to updating The Pokémon Whisperer on Wednesdays not Thursdays but I did have the idea for the chapter pre-written so it took awhile to get them together. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. More will be coming soon ^U^

Faith the Eevee: Book 2: The Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now