chapter 5: concert time

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(a/n i am using a fake name for Ranboo as we do not know his real one. i am not trying to cross his boundaires i am simply putting a fake name as i needed a filler)

(song used in this chap Minutes away - Jeremy shada)

When Ranboo arrived at the venue he stole a few glimpses at the crowd (the place was packed) before being rushed into hair and makeup. Whoever's concert it was they must be famous to amass that kind of crowd he thought. After hair and makeup was done he was ushered into his own green room and handed his guitar ( a PRS SE standard, painted black and white with purple spots to symbolise the particles.) his Father had said that he could play three or four songs as an opener he just had to decide what ones. He figured he would do two or three originals and then do a cover. Too soon it was time to go on stage and he was whisked away to the wings his phone was blowing up the whole time.

"What the heck." He muttered as he opened up his phone to find a spam of messages from.... Tubbo of course.


Hey bossman


Hey dude




Okay well youre not answering


Anyways OUR BAND HAS BLOWN UP! Well not really but we got 1k views on our last cover go us


Oh, and Tommy wants us to join tiktok too

Ranboo chuckled as he read the messages, unfortunately he would have to deal with the band later.


Hey Tubs! It's great that the band has blown up but I'm busy atm.

"Your on." A stage helper said as his mother took his phone away and he was handed his guitar again and his in ears.

He walked out onstage to a few screams of teenage girls that recognized him, among the many in the crowd.

"Hey Guys what is up!" he shouted into the mic to get the crowd going, "I'm Riley Ender and I'm your opener for tonight, hope you guys have a fun time!"

He began playing the chords to his favourite song off his ep, Minutes Away.

I'm driving to you, I'm minutes away

If this thing goes right, maybe I can stay

I won't hold my breath, I just can't forget

Rumors and pictures, that don't match what you said

Being onstage made him almost forget everything else in the world, money, his parents, streaming. He couldn't wait to share the stage with his best friends.

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