Chapter 8: You have mail!

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(Song in this chapter basement noise)



Hey! Guys we want to do a qna so give us questions please - Plex 1

|Plex stan 1 @plexer4life
|Hi! How do you guys record your songs? I noticed you guys all have different accents

|Hi! We all live in different places (two in the UK and one in America) so we usually send the clips of us playing to Plex 1 to mix. - Plex 2

Hey! Guys we want to do a qna so give us questions please - Plex 1

|Plex stan 2|@shelikescomplex
|How old are you guys and can we simp?

|we aren't very old, so if your under twenty it's okay to simp - Plex 1
|I don't know why anyone would want to simp for you - Plex 3

Hey! Guys we want to do a qna so give us questions please - Plex 1

|Plex stan 3|@complexiscool
|how did you pick your band name?

|I actually came up with the name (plex 3) I chose it because we all have lots of things going on in our lives and it can get a bit well complex

"Guys!" Tommy yelled as hard as he could into the phone, bursting the other two's ear drums.

"Ouch asshat I didn't have you on speaker." Ranboo groaned, rubbing his head.

"Never mind that we got an email that you two need to read!" Tommy continued excitedly.

"Okay pulling it up now." Tubbo said.

"Wait for me, I'll read it aloud for you." Ranboo said and the other two waited for him to open the document.

"Dear members of the band Complex, we would like to invite you to do an interview for our podcast, Behind the Music. You will need facecams and instruments as we may get you to do a small performance.

Thanks, Kacey and Danielle."

"Oh my god, we need to do it." Tubbo said immediately.

"Uh they said we need facecams guys?" Ranboo pointed out.

"Uh we were already gonna use masks n' shit." Tommy replied.

"No but our backgrounds n' stuff a sharp-eyed fan would notice immediately and I have been seeing mcyt fans in our comments." Ranboo continued on.

"Okay bossman we will use green screens then, I'm sure nothing will happen though." Tubbo reassured his best friend.

*the podcast*

K: Hello everyone! Welcome or welcome back to our podcast Behind the Music. Today we will be chatting with a band that is brand new in the music scene, Complex!

D: hey boys, nice to meet you guys!

Complex: nice to meet you guys too!

K: do you guys wanna introduce yourselves.

*Tubbo waves his hand in greeting*

Plex 1: Hello, I'm Plex 1, I play keyboard, a little bit of guitar and I'm the lead vocalist and producer.

*Ranboo raises his hand next*

Plex 2: Hey I'm Plex 2, I play bass, guitar and I do backing vocals.

*Tommy grumbles*

Plex 3: of course, I'm last, I'm Plex 3 the best Plex and I play drums and do backing vocals.

K: nice guys, wait does that mean Plex 2 has to record twice right?

Plex 2: yeah, I do it's hard but I've gotten used to it at this point.

D: can I ask you guys some questions?

Plex 1: Heck yea!

D: okay, on twitter you said how your band name came to be and what it means, but what were/is the complexities that you were talking about?

Plex 3: oh, um basically just school, managing social life and other jobs.

D: so pretty normal stuff then.

Plex 3: yea!

K: wait you guys are still in school, you guys weren't kidding when you said you are young.

Plex 2: oh yeah, Plex 3 and I are in our final years of high school, Plex 1 dropped out.

Plex 1: hehe

D: Nice, now how did the band come to be?

Plex 1: it was actually supposed to be a one-time thing for Plex 3's music class, but the teacher liked our song so much that she recommended we put the song on YouTube and here we are.

D: oh interesting, from what I understand you guys are a cover band?

Plex 2: uh kinda, the song we used for Plex 3's music class which was the first one we put on YouTube, was actually an original I wrote.

K: wow that's interesting, you guys can write your own material too, are you going to release anymore originals soon?

Plex 3: uh maybe we will, covers normally do better than originals.

D: well I can't wait, for the time being do you guys want to perform a cover for us.

Plex 1: sure, I'm going to act like we totally didn't plan this.

*everyone laughs*

Tubbo and ranboo grab their Mics and guitar, while Tommy switches to his vlog camera so he can be seen playing.

K: what's the cover you guys are gonna do?

Complex: Basement noise by All time low.

The boys had decided that they were going to do something different for this cover and split the song into parts.

(All singing,tubbo,tommy)

We used to be all hypothetical
A fever dream, can't get hysterical
Found a space and time in the Holocene
Make believe, make believe yeah
Cut our teeth chasing the weekend
Capsize and fall in the deep end
Outta line, don't mind the pretense now

How were we supposed to know
It all adds up when you let go?
And where are we supposed to go from here?
We're too far gone to turn back now
It's all for one, lost in the crowd

And all for nothing if it disappears

They're just stupid boys making basement noise
In the basement, noise in the basement
Just stupid boys making basement noise
In the basement, yeah, yeah

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