chapter 13: Someday your gonna hear us on the Radio

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( songs mentioned in this chapter Love letter - Payton and Minutes away- Jeremy shada)

The next day Ranboo and Tubbo travel to London to meet up with Tommy. They officially didn't have to be there yet but they wanted to spend a day to themselves before recording. They met Tommy (who apparently brought along Wilbur) at the train station.

"Well lads what should we do?" Tommy asked after they had exchanged greetings.

"I don't know." Ranboo answered.

"Of course you don't stupid American." Tommy snapped playfully.

"Toms." Wilbur warned.

"Hey this is going to sound like the most touristy thing ever but can we go to the London Eye?" Tubbo butted in.

"Fine Tubbo." Wilbur sighed and they set off walking.

After going on the London Eye the quadrant decided to walk around a market they found happening a few streets over. They browsed through the market for a little while before what they assumed was a mcyt fan came up to them. Ranboo began to pull out the mask and glasses until the fan spoke up.

"Your Riley ender, right? Can I take a photo?"

Ranboo uneasily glanced back at Wilbur before responding," yeah, sure."

Once the photo was taken the girl ran off back to wherever she came from and ranboo turned back to the others. Tommy and Tubbo were standing still, looking confused and Wilbur just looked concerned.

"What the fuck was that?" Tommy asked snapping out of his daze.

"I'll explain as long as we go somewhere less crowded." Ranboo replied and they set off until they found a small café. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo took a seat at one of the booths in the corner while Wilbur went to grab drinks.

"So, your Riley ender, the dude Wilbur was trying to tell us about?" Tommy asked rasing an eyebrow.

"Yes I am, not al because ofl my own reasons though."

Wilbur returned to the table and sat down just hearing the end of Ranboo's sentence.


"Yeah, my parents always said I had a natural affinity for music so when we were almost going broke they signed me up for basically every music competition they could and surprisingly I won one, from there it was a life of record deals and writing. At points it felt like my parents were only getting me to do it for money so I almost quit. My low point was when I fell in love with content creation and now I'm here with you guys." Ranboo explained.

"Okay but why didn't you tell us Ranboob?"

"I was scared and I didn't know what you guys were going to think."

Tubbo who had been silent through out the whole conversation looked at his best friend with awe, "Wait really, I love your music holy shit." Everyone started laughing.

"Nice to know, Tubbo, what's your favourite song?"

"Either Love letter or Minutes Away." He replied.

"Congrats you have terrible taste." Ranboo responded sarcastically, "Nah I'm kidding Minutes away is my favourite song to perform."

"Well maybe if everything goes right you can perform it with us."

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