Chapter 12: Complications and Jet setting around the world

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"Ranboo!" his mother called and he walked downstairs to see his mother and father sitting at the dining table, something they only did when they had to talk about something serious.

"What's up?" he asked sitting down with them.

"We wanted to tell you we booked you a new Collab, with a new band called complex!" his parents cheered.

"It can't happen." Ranboo replied immediately.

"Why not son?"

Ranboo took a deep breath and continued, "I can't do It, because I'm apart of Complex."

"No your not, we manage all of your music stuff." His mom denied the claim.

"I can show you." He called over his shoulder as he ran upstairs to grab his phone.

"Here." He said passing his phone over to his parents so they could see that he was logged into all the Complex band accounts.

"Well then." His father sighed, "who else is in the band?"

"You guys know my streaming friends, Tommy and Tubbo? Yea them."

"Oh really? Well I'm glad you're in a band with the boy you can't stop talking about and a gremlin child instead of two strangers." His mother said half joking.

"Mom." Ranboo whined.

"Now, now dear instead of teasing him, we better focus on the new matter at hand." His father brought the conversation back to the proper topic.

"Right." His mom replied suddenly sitting straight up, "I'll ring his manager, you ring the company and we will see if we can get this mess fixed." Once his mom went into buisness mode, there was no getting her out of it.

Ranboo decided to leave his parents to work and headed back upstairs to his room, in favour of calling Tubbo.

"Hey tubs." He said, checking his room for stuff he may have missed while he talked.

"Hey bossman, what ya doing?"

"Uh currently packing as I have to leave the country by uh you know, tomorrow."

"Don't get sassy with me bossman." Tubbo sasses, himself, " I know you can't wait to see me though."

Ranboo let out a laugh as he tried to fit everything into his backpack, "yeah, I may even hug you."

"aww dude."

"Shut up."

Tubbo had to wake up extra early the next morning as Ranboo had decided to ya know book the earliest flight he could! He almost fell asleep on the way to the airport, twice. 

 (a/n I forgot how airports work as I was writing this lols)

Tubbo and his family waited out in the lobby area of the airport for what seemed like an eternity until he spotted a giant ender boy making his way over to him. He sprinted over to Ranboo (who had his arms outstretched as best he could with his luggage) and stole something before rushing back.

"Look Lani! Movie money!" he said excitedly showing her the dollar bill he had stolen. He heard two thumps behind him and suddenly he wasn't touching the ground anymore.

"Put me down Boo!" he yelped.

"Not until you give back the money you stole."

"Fine." He was put back on two feet and Ranboo went to say hello to his parents.

"Sorry about my son being a menace." Mother dearest apologised.

"No problem, I'm kinda regretting my decision to stay as long now." Ranboo replied and he was swiftly punched in the arm by Tubbo.

"Oi Tubbo stop being a menace and help Riley with his bags." Father dearest ordered his son. Tubbo then looked up at Ranboo, silently asking what he could carry.

"You can take my bass and my backpack, but if you drop either there will be hell to pay and I mean it."

After picking up all of Ranboo's stuff (a giant suitcase, his back pack and his guitar and bass) the group of five made their way over to the car.

"Ey bossman." Tubbo said to Ranboo before they got in the car.


"I distinctly remember you said you would give me a hug."

Ranboo sighed in mock offense, " Fine." 

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