Chapter 17: You got designer shades, just to hide your face

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Hey everyone, we have a surprise for you guys :) - Plex 1


After Tubbo tweeted out the link to the world the bois began to rush around to get set up. They had been staying in an air Bnb with the other European SMP members for about three days which they were grateful for because it meant they could get help with the live stream. Niki was helping Tommy and Tubbo make new masquerade masks after they had both somehow broken them and Ranboo was rushing around with Wilbur, Jack and Phil to set up the streaming equipment and instruments.

"Oi Ranboo, are you going to use a green screen?" Phil asked after they finished setting up Tommy's drum kit.

"Uhm." Ranboo turned and looked at the other Complex bois before turning back to Phil, "I think we should be fine without one." 

"You sure? I mean you'll have Tommy's Photo of Queen Elizabeth in the background." Phil continued.

"Eh we can just take it down."

"DON'T touch Lizzie!" Tommy then shouted from the Kitchen.

" We gonna take it down?"


After a lot of grumbling from Tommy, the picture was taken down and the stream was fully set up. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo put on their masks and each sat down with their Instrument. 

"Ready Bois?" Wilbur asked the Trio.

"Ready as we'll ever be."

Wilbur started the stream, a sloppily drawn starting soon screen appearing on the laptop. People began flooding in and chat started spamming, everyone was excited to see what the livestream was about. After a few minutes the boys decided it was now or never. Tubbo shot Wilbur a nod and the starting soon screen disappeared.

The bois had decided they would be Performing a cover of Gotta Get Out by 5sos first. They had luckily placed the camera so it faced more of Tommy and Tubbo Than Ranboo as they didn't wanna give the surprise away yet . Tubbo was of course taking the lead but on a random decision they had decided that they would give the fans Tommy content by putting him as the supporting singer. 

(Tubbo, Tommy)

Even when the sky is falling down
Even when the Earth is crumbling around my feet

Even when we try say goodbye
You can cut the tension with a knife in here

'Cause I know what will happen
If we get through this

And if the earth ends up crumbling down to its knees then baby
We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out
And if the skyscrapers tumble down and crash around baby
We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out 

After they finished they put their instruments to the side (Exept for Tommy's Drums which are Freakin Heavy) and shuffled so Tubbo and Tommy were in line with the Camera.

"Hello chat." Tubbo started trying to make his voice sound deeper, "Hope you guys enjoyed the performance cuz we have the Surprise coming up now."

"YEAH!" Tommy cheered and Wilbur shot him a glare from where he was behind the camera.

"No, but seriously we have seen some rumours and ideas about what the surprise is so I'm just gonna straight up tell you guys, we're face revealing." Tommy said bluntly and chat went wild.

"Ready Plex 1." Tubbo Turned to Face Tommy and Replied, "Fuck yes, you know this I'm just Worried for Plex 2."

Meanwhile Ranboo pulled the notes app up on his phone and typed out, "I'm Fine, Hurry up."

"Okay sorry, jeez." As Tubbo and Ranboo Finished their Quick argument Tommy started counting.






Wilbur cut the face cam and Tubbo and Tommy took off the masks. The face cam turned on again and Tommy said "Well you guessed it boys!" now in his Tommyinnit persona and Chat went wild. Most of it was comments Like "What the Hell!" and "I knew it!"

"And as always wherever we go Ranboo goes soooo." Tubbo Said Pulling Ranboo into the frame.

They sat for a minute just watching chat speed past until a dono Rang out, "Which of you is what plex?"

"Which Plex is which?" Ranboo Repeated, "As so of you may have guessed, I'm Plex 2, Tubbo's Plex 1 and Tommy's Plex 3."

"Ooh can we turn this into a QnA?" Tubbo then asked excitedly.

"Shouldn't you guys tell them the other surprises first?" Wilbur Reminded Them.

"OH, yea! Lads get over here." Tommy called and the rest of the members of the house came and squished into the small frame. "So Lads as you can see, almost all of the British members and Ranboo are here!" Tommy said clapping his hands and Tubbo continued the explanation. " We we're all just gonna meetup for a day but that was too difficult so we bought an Air BnB for a month, Now this is where the other surprise kicks in."

"We can only stay for two weeks because-" Tubbo Paused for dramatic effect, "We're going on tour!"

Now this is the part where is chat wasn't broken crying messes they were now. 

Come see us on the "This could be the start of something" Tour! Tickets on sale now for America and Uk :)

|Plex stan 1|@plexer4life
|Holy shit, I am screaming and buying tickets right now

  |Save your screaming for when you come see us :) - Plex 2

(Random A/N note :D, who you do you think is my fav bench trio member just from reading the book?)

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