chapter 6: uh Huston we have a problem

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(song included in this chapter: boy without a car - the vamps)

It was two weeks later ; the band had done a couple more covers (Now or Never - Jatp and Boy without a car.) but the latest had blown up a lot more than expected achieving 10k views. Sure, the boys as streamers earned way more views than that on the daily but the couldn't help be proud of their passion project ( they may have screamed about it for at least ten minutes.) 

But the band's biggest surprise was when their friend Wilbur played their music while on stream with them.

"Have you heard of this new band called Complex? They're pretty good." The dono rang out and Wilbur mumbled in acknowledgement.

"A band Called Complex? Can't say I have, I suppose we have to listen to them now." Wilbur clicked off Minecraft and onto YouTube, causing the other three boys that were in the discord call with him to freak out.

 Complex Bois


Guys what do we do???


Uhm move to china ( a/n my friend said this to the teacher the other day it was pretty funny)


There's no time, just sit and act like you are hearing the songs for the first time and hope he doesn't recognize any of us.


Okay, game plan is go.

"Their newest cover has the most views, lets check it out first." Wilbur said, clicking on the "boy without a car" cover.

The other three boys sat uneasily in their seats as the song started with Ranboo's guitar. Tubbo had been assigned lead vocals again so they were nervous Wilbur was going to recognize him.

Wilbur started bobbing his head as Tommy's drums picked up and lead them into the chorus.

I'm just another boy without a car
Oh, how I wish that you could say you feel the same way
You always got me wanting more

Complex Bois


He seems to be enjoying it so far


Yeah, I'm glad

"Ooh nice range." Wilbur commented as he got to the harmonized high note.

"What did you guys think?" Wilbur asked the trio.

"Ahhh- um." Tubbo and Ranboo started stuttering so Tommy took the lead, "I thought it was really good, nice drums I guess." Wilbur cracked up laughing.

Complex bois


Nice save Tommy

"Well I just wanted to ask are you involved with the band Tubbo? The lead singer sounds a lot like you." Wilbur questioned.

"Wil, I don't really have the time to start a band right now, it must just be a coincidence." Tubbo lied back and the other two silently praised their friend for his quick thinking.

"The other thing was...ah do you guys secretly know Riley ender? One of your backup singers sounds like him." Wilbur then said and then it was definite "Huston we have a problem" mode for Ranboo.

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