Previously in First Tour
Sarah notices the black eye that Niall has. She confronts Harry about it. He confesses to punching Niall. Maya, Roselinde, and Alyssa mention Sarah's little sister.
After Maya, Roselinde, and Alyssa told the boys about my past with my little sister, Niall picks me up and flings me over his right shoulder so I don't take out Harry as we walk past him. Niall takes my into my room so I can cool off. I don't need the rest to see me flip out. Oh wait. To late. They already did...HOWEVER! I will not let them see the worst of me. I don't think even Maya and Roselinde have. Louis may have.
As Niall sets me down I let out a deep breathe. Niall sits down next to me as I look down at my phone. I go to my profile picture on Twitter and see a picture of my 5 year old sister and me.
"Are you okay, Sar?" Niall asks. I wipe away a tear as I say, "yes. Maybe. No. Maya and Roselinde understand how badly I miss my sister. Kathy was my everything. She was like my little twin. She loved me. I loved her. I just-I just need my sister back. It's not fair that the world took Kathy away from me," I say before I start crying.
The boys don't understand what Kathy was to me. Maya and Roselinde do, sorta, since we've been friends since I moved back to America. Louis knows, since I've known him my whole life. My parents sure as hell don't. They worked a lot so I ended up babysitting Kathy. Don't get me wrong. I loved Kathy. That's how our bond grew. "Sar, what happened to your sister? If it's not to much trouble," Ni asks.
I wipe away my tears as I say, "Kathy was just her nickname that I called her. My parents called her by her real name, Kathleen. My parents were on there way home from picking her up from kindergarden. I was home doing homework when this happened. Apparently, my father swerved to avoid a deer. They swerved off the road and my father's side slammed into a tree. Kathy was in the back seat, behind my dad. Kathy got the worst of it. She made it to the hospital.
"Maya's parents took me to the hospital. I ran to my mother. She just got a broken arm. My father and sister were another story. My father and Kathy were in surgery. My father lost his left leg. From his ankle up to his mid thigh. If Kathy lived, she would've been paralyzed from the waist down, and both her arms would have to be amputated. I didn't leave Kathy's side for days. One day, it was around midnight. I woke up to the sound of the heart monitor go flat. I screamed for the nurse. I was crying, I couldn't believe my little sister died. Her birthday was suppose to be the next day. My parents took me away from her bed. Well my father carried me away. They took me home. I didn't speak to them for about a year and a half. I couldn't after-after," I say before I break down crying.
Niall calms me down then says, "Sarah, I know this might not help but, I was suppose to have a twin brother. I cried when I found out he died before birth. But if he lived, I might not have went on the X-factor. I probably wouldn't have met the lads. And I sure as hell know I wouldn't have met you, but if I did, my brother might have taken you from me," Niall says. He seems like he's about to cry.
"Sarah, things happen for a reason. Yes, you still would've met Harry. You still probably would've met me. But I might've never got the courage to ask you out or you might've shut me down," Niall says again. "N-Niall, we still would be closest of friends. If we still had both our siblings. Your twin would've supported you like Greg does. Kathy would be happy to think that she would have a brother-in-law some day that I love and care so much about. She would be glad you and Harry are accomplishing your dreams. Living the life everybody wishes they had. Yea, she would only be 9 but she would understand," I say slowly. "Wait. Wouldn't she be 10?" Niall asks more like a statement. "Tomorrow's suppose to be her birthday," I say quietly.
Whatcha think? Didn't think Sarah was going to have a sister that died, huh? Well the little girl in the picture is Kathy/Kathleen, little blonde thing. Comment ideas. Vote please. And share to friends!!

First Tour
FanfictionSarah Ballard has been through a lot. From her little sister "dying" to an abusive boyfriend to nearly killing herself. When Sarah goes on tour with her half brother's, Harry Styles's, band, she must face her abusive ex boyfriend, Alvin Jackson, and...