Chapter 2

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Previously in First Tour
Sarah told a little bit about her back story. The boys of One direction, Roselinde, and Maya are all over at Harry and Sarah's flat. Maya suggests to play truth or dare. Everyone agrees.
Liam and I help Niall get in his seat because of his crutches. Yes, Niall has crutches. He had knee surgery a couple weeks ago.

I sit with Niall on my right and Harry on my left. Maya and Roselinde sit next to each other. Liam sits next to Harry and Maya. Louis is next to Zayn and Roselinde. We're gathered around the campfire in the back yard.

Harry starts the truth or dares, "um... Zayn truth or dare?" I'm not surprised when Zayn says, "truth." I would have picked truth to if Harry was asking it. He gives the weirdest dares. So does Louis but I can handle Louis, I don't have to live with him sooo. Anyways! Louis and Roselinde are booing and hissing while Niall and I are screaming at the top of our lungs for them to hear us. "SHUT THE HELL UP YOU TWO!!" "LET THE MAN SPEAK FOR GODS SAKE!!" Lord oh mighty this is gonna be a loooong night....

Harry final gets to say, "ok. Do you know if you and Perrie plan on having a kid?" After what feels like good half hour. Zayn says, "I don't know." I start with him like there's no tomorrow. Like what the hell, you should know if you two plan on having kids someday. "What the hell Zayn. You don't even know if your going to have a kid?!?! That's a huge thing! Like what the f-" "Stop arguing with the man, Sarah!" Harry says. "What! Your yelling at me! Yell at him he's the one who doesn't even know about his future!!" I scream. "Like you know what you want to do with your life!" Harry yells back. That set me off! "Harry! Im 18 I know what I want to do with my life for fucking god sakes I'm going to college next year!! I have a major and I plan on going to Virginia for another 4 years! DONT TELL ME I DONT KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE!" I looked at everyone else staring at us. I couldn't take it so I stormed off.
I slammed the door to my bed room behind me. Rage was building up inside me. I need to cool off. I have no idea why I blew up like that. I mean of course he wouldn't know if they want kids. I look out the window where Zayn is just shocked and Harry and Liam and screaming at each other. "So that's where the screaming is coming from," I mumble. Wait! Where is Niall. I look around and see Louis and Roselinde talking. Maya is trying to calm Liam and Harry down. Zayn is just sitting their listening to the arguing and Niall. Well, Niall is no where to be seen.


I just barely get the words "come in" out before I start balling. Why am I so emotional today? I guess I'm just being a teenage girl. Drama central. The door opens and I hear someone running over to me and hold me. I cry into whoever is holding me. That's when I hear thick Irish accent.

"Sarah, calm down. It's okay. Liam is yelling at Harry for screaming at you." I look up at Niall, embarrassed. "It's all my fault. Everything is ruined... because of me.." Niall wipes my tears away getting the makeup to stop spearing everywhere. "Sarah it's not your fault. You were thinking of Perrie. I understand that, so does Harry and Zayn. Harry is just sticking up for Zayn." "Then, why is Liam screaming at Har-" "YOU ASS HOLE! YOU NEVER TALK TO A GIRL LIKE THAT!! ESPECIALLY YOUR LITTLE SISTER!!" Niall and I start laughing. "Liam's very protective. Especially with Louis, Zayn and Harry's sisters." "What about your brother?" I thought he had a brother. Greg right? "Greg? He has a Denise and Theo to care for." "And you. His little brother." "Yea and me. Now come on. Maybe we can get them to stop screaming." "Yea." Niall helps me up and hugs me, "You okay Sarah?" "Yea." Man, that Irish accent is going to be the death of me.


Niall and I walk outside with my head down trying not to show the red eyes. Everyone has their backs to the back door so they doesn't notice Niall and me. Niall stops me. "You sure your okay? If you want we could just stay inside. It's up to you what you wa-" "Niall, calm down. I'm fine if Harry starts with me again it'll be him storming off in anger and me who won the fight. Not him. Now come on let's go before you guys have to leave." I grab Niall's hand and drag him over to where we were sitting and sit down while dropping Niall's hand. You know, I'd love to hold that hand till the day I die. But we all know that won't happen, I just get the feeling he likes someone else and me as just a friend.

Any-who! Louis and Rosalinda stop flirting and scream, "STOP ARGUING!" in unison. {sorry if I spell it wrong. I have no idea how to spell it. I wasn't great at spelling.} Harry, Liam, and Maya stop and sit back in their chairs.

Harry notices me and just stares when he sees the red eyes. I look away. Man I wish I told Niall that we should stay inside. Now I'm going to get yelled at for that. Liam shoots Harry the look mean to say sorry and mean it. Harry and I mumble sorry at the same time.

Everyone kind just sits their quiet for a few minutes before Louis says,"well let's continue before I scream from awkwardness." "yea" everyone says quietly.
Zayn asks Louis truth or dare, which we all know that answer before he says it. "Right dare. I dare you... eat the most disgusting thing in the flat." Louis just stares. Harry and I burst out laughing. The worst thing to eat is 7 week old sushi. Louis says, "what's so funny." "The only thing bad is 7 week old sushi!" The 2 of us say at the same time.

Well that made everyone laugh.. but Louis...

Harry ran to the kitchen cause it's his sushi and he knows where it is. When he comes back Louis is shaking his head when Harry hands him the sushi while Roselinde grabs one piece and holds it out to him. "Dude just eat it!" Zayn says. "The whole box! What in the bloody hell is wrong with you people!" Louis screams. Zayn says,"fine, one piece sushi." Harry sits down when Roselinde shoves the sushi in his mouth and makes him swallow it. Louis screams in disgust while we all laugh. Niall and I are on the floor laughing. It looks like we're crying. We are but laughing. How could you not!

After about a half hour, Louis says, "ok Maya truth or dare?" Maya says, "dare..." "I dare you to...delete every single Ed Sheeran song you have on your phone and keep it deleted for a whole month." Maya freaks 'cause we all knows how much she loves Ed Sheeran.. Well Liam more. Liam calms her down and whispers something to her which gets her to delete the songs.

Maya then asks,"Sarah truth or dare." I knew this was coming. "Dare." "I dare you to.. show us your tattoo." Oh shit. Please say she didn't say that. The boys just stare at me like I have 4 heads. Niall is staring at me then Harry. I look down then stand up. Zayn looks like wtf, you can just sit and show us. "It would be awkward to sit and show it, Zayn."

I'm so nervous my hands are shaking. I walk slow to front of the group and reach for the left side of my shirt. I lift it up slowly and just stare at Maya and Roselinde like help me Harry is going to freak.

No one speaks. Do I look that bad with it? I put my shirt down right as Louis and Zayn say, "it looks fine." Zayn and Louis look at me like they're proud. Well they do have the most tattoos out of all 5. I sit down. I can tell I'm going to get it when the boys leave. I look down in shame knowing that the one I love doesn't love it and doesn't love me especially with this tattoo of the words Angel with a halo and wings.


Niall's P.O.V.
The time goes my fast. Roselinde jumps into the pool, Harry acts like a unicorn for 10 minutes and Liam kisses a tree. That last one was the best. Liam almost killed Harry for that.

Liam finally gets to say, "truth or dare, Niall." "Truth." What can I say. I'm hunger and want to get this over with. "Do you have a crush on someone and if so who?" Everyone just stares at me. I feel my cheek go red. I look over at Sarah nervously. I know my heart is going to break. I look down and say, "Sarah," very quiet. No one spoke. I can't even look up. It's way to embarrassing. She's probably think why me, of all people me, I don't like him like that. Sigh...

Paul comes out and says," Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall. Time to go. Almost 12 pm."
Sorry it's so late. Hope you like it. I'll be updating in a day or too. What do you think? Do you think Sarah will hook up with Niall? There is a twist in the next chapter and it will be short.

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