Chapter 1

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It's the week before One Direction goes on the Midnight Memories tour. Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn visited Harry and me. Harry and Louis are arguing over a movie.

Harry Styles is my half brother, we share the same father. My father had an affair with my mother while being married to Harry's mom. My father left Harry's mother when I was 6 for my mother. I moved out of my parents house when Harry became my legal guardian. I met Harry when my parents and Harry's mom decided it was best we all meet each other, I've never met Gemma or Harry before he went on the x-factors. Louis Tomlinson is my best friend. I grew up with him in Doncaster for 10 years, from when I was born to when I was 10. His mom basically raised me. My parents never have and never will give two shits about me. Louis and I have been through so much and I'm only 17. The boys have no clue that I grew up with Louis though. Liam and Zayn are my best friends. I met them when Harry introduced me to them. Niall is my best friend. I met him also when Harry introduced me to him. I have had a huge crush on Niall ever since I've met him, even though I'm in an abusive relationship. His name is Alvin Jackson. No one knows that Alvin is abusive. Well, Louis knows. However, that's a story for another day. I love Alvin, but he abuses me. I don't want to leave him because I know what he would do to me and the people I love. And I do not want to travel down that.

The door bell rings and I get up to go answer the door while screaming, "just pick a movie already!" I opened the door to find my two best friends, Roselinde and Maya. "Is Louis here?" Roselinde asks. Roselinde is dating him while Maya is dating Liam. "Fight club! Fight club!" Harry chants. Roselinde runs into the living room and hugs Louis. Maya and I walk into the kitchen while Niall is getting food.

Louis asks Roselinde, Maya, and I which we rather watch, Fight club or Forrest Gump. "Forest Gump." "Fight club." "I don't care." I'd rather watch grass grow then hear them both complain through the movie."

Maya asks,"why don't we just play truth or dare?" Liam, Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Roselinde all say sure at the same time. Niall and I say sure with food in our mouth.

Heyy! I hope you like this first chapter. First book and this will be like a novel. This was first a play. Then in 3rd person. I chose Sarah's point of view because I thought it would be good for the audiences I see what depression's point of view is like and how to get over it.

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