Chapter 23

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Previously in First Tour
Sarah tells Niall about what happened to Kathy/Kathleen, Sarah's little sister.
After I told Niall that tomorrow's Kathy's birthday, I lost it. I guess Maya and Roselinde released because they came in right after I said that. Niall comforts me as I try to speak.

"Today is the w-worst and b-best day ever," I say through tears. "How?" Maya asks. Niall knows what I'm gunna say so he says it for me, "today's the day Kathy died, and she met the lads and me."

Right as Niall says that I get a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I say wiping away tears. "Hi, is this Sarah?" a little girl says. "Yes, who's this?" I ask."Omg! Sarah! It's Kathy! Your little sister!" The girl shouts into the phone.

I drop the phone as she says the last part. Roselinde catches it for me than puts it on speaker.

"Sarah? Are you still there?" The girl asks. "Y-Yes. Are you sure your Kathy?" I say. "Yea! Remember, I was in a car accident with mummy and daddy. Are they okay?" She asks. "Yes they're fine, daddy has a fake left leg and a cane, but he's fine. Where are you?" I say. I notice that Roselinde can't hold it in anymore. "I'm in room 5A of your hotel," she says excitedly. "Kathleen! Oh my god! Do your remember me? It's Roselinde and Maya!" Roselinde shouts. "Rosie! May! I can't believe it's you!" Kathy says. I motion for Niall to stay quiet. "Kathy, why don't you come up to my hotel room? I have some people I want to introduce you to," I say. "Let me ask Wendy and James," I hear her say then mumbling from the other end. Wendy? James? "They said yes!" She says. "Kathy, I'll come get you. I'll be there in an hour," I say. "Okay! I can't wait to see you again Sarahie!" She says. She hangs up as I sit back down since I was pacing.

I don't notice that the other 4 boys, Alyssa, and Perrie are in the room.


I'm wearing a pink tank top with a bear on it that Kathy got me for my 12th birthday (it didn't fit me when I was 12. It was a size medium in adults, yea I was a medium in children back then). I have white shorts on and my white converse on. I have my favorite phone case on, of course it's the boys.

I told Niall to stay here with the boys and I'll bring Maya and Roselinde since Kathy knows them. I hope Louis doesn't say he knows her to the boys. That's one thing I don't want to deal with explaining today.

I kiss Niall goodbye and walk out of the hotel room with Maya and Roselinde close behind. We take the elevator down to the 5th floor with one of the security guards for the boys. We rush to Kathy's door and knock. When the door opens, I see a woman, about 30. She's around Niall's height. She has dark brown eyes and dark brunette hair which is in a braid with a flowery dress that comes about mid thigh. She has flip flops on.

"Hello, may I help you?" The woman asks with a British accent. "Hi. I'm Sarah. This is Roselinde and Maya. He's one of our security guards. I'm here to take my sister to my hotel room?" I say more as a question than a statement. "Oh, hi! I'm Wendy, Kathy's foster mom," Wendy says. I get light headed when she says foster mom. I lose my balance and fall backward, luckily Roselinde and Maya were behind me to catch me. Wendy helps the girls get me in to the hotel room and onto one of the beds.

A tall man comes up to us, about 35. He seems like he's a little bit shorter than Harry. He has dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He has on a batman t-shirt and black shorts. "Hi. I'm James. Kathy's foster dad," The man says with a British accent. Kathy comes running from the bathroom and onto my lap. She has her hair into 2 pigtails. She has a black one direction shirt on with dark blue jean shorts and black sandals on. She has the cutest bows in her hair, black bows with bright neon colors here and there. Ah, she takes after her sister.

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